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Optimizing Video Selection LIMIT Queries with Commonsense Knowledge

Published: 30 May 2024 Publication History


Video is becoming a major part of contemporary data collection. It is increasingly important to process video selection queries --- selecting videos that contain target objects. Advances in neural networks allow us to detect the objects in an image, and thereby offer query systems to examine the content of the video. Unfortunately, neural network-based approaches have long inference times. Processing this type of query through a standard scan would be time-consuming and would involve applying complex detectors to numerous irrelevant videos. It is tempting to try to improve query times by computing an index in advance. But unfortunately, many frames will never be beneficial for any query. Time spent processing them, whether at index time or at query time, is simply wasted computation.
We propose a novel index mechanism to optimize video selection queries with commonsense knowledge. Commonsense knowledge consists of fundamental information about the world, such as the fact that a tennis racket is a tool designed for hitting a tennis ball. To save computation, an inexpensive but lossy index can be intentionally created, but this may result in missed target objects and suboptimal query time performance. Our mechanism addresses this issue by constructing probabilistic models from commonsense knowledge to patch the lossy index and then prioritizing predicate-related videos at query time. This method can achieve significant performance improvements comparable to those of a full index while keeping the construction costs of a lossy index. We describe our prototype system, Paine, plus experiments on two video corpora. We show our best optimization method can process up to 97.79% fewer videos compared to baselines. Even the model constructed without any video content can yield a 75.39% improvement over baselines.


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Published: 30 May 2024
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