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TBFR: a threshold-based file replication approach for increased file availability and its formal verification

Published: 01 April 2013 Publication History


This work proposes an active replication mechanism, i.e., threshold-based file replication TBFR approach that replicates the file, from one node to the other node, when the total number of request for a particular file, reaches the threshold value. Significant performance improvement has been observed in terms of total number of interactions required for file replication and performance comparison of the TBFR has been carried out with the request reply RR and request reply acknowledgement RRA protocol. Results indicate that, the proposed approach reduces the number of messages exchanged for file replication by 33% to 55% and 25% to 50% in case when unnecessary file replication is avoided. With this approach service time is reduced by about 36% as compared to no replication. A relationship between the formal aspect of the static file replication and dynamic TBFR model is established using process algebraic approach for stability analysis of the proposed model.


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  1. TBFR: a threshold-based file replication approach for increased file availability and its formal verification



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      cover image International Journal of Information and Communication Technology
      International Journal of Information and Communication Technology  Volume 5, Issue 2
      April 2013
      119 pages
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      Inderscience Publishers

      Geneva 15, Switzerland

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      Published: 01 April 2013


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