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Orchestrating technology enhanced learning: a literature review and a conceptual framework

Published: 01 February 2011 Publication History


The notion of 'orchestrating learning' has gained acceptance within the TEL research community in recent years. However, there is little consensus about what 'orchestration' means, and what orchestrating learning in a concrete educational context entails. This paper aims to address these two concerns. Through a literature review focused especially on the field of TEL, we provide definitions of this orchestration, and gather the most commonly cited aspects of orchestration into a unified conceptual framework. This emergent framework is then used as an analytical lens to structure data from an existing case study in order to illustrate its usefulness as a tool to understand and propose new solutions to aid orchestration in complex, real-world TEL situations. Although further theorisation and modelling of orchestration is still needed, the presented framework provides a first step, backed up by a serious review of the field.


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International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning  Volume 3, Issue 6
February 2011
100 pages
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Inderscience Publishers

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Published: 01 February 2011


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