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View all- Basiak MBienkowski MTatarczuk A(2023)An Improved Deterministic Algorithm for the Online Min-Sum Set Cover ProblemApproximation and Online Algorithms 10.1007/978-3-031-49815-2_4(45-58)Online publication date: 7-Sep-2023
Let $X=\{1,2,\ldots,n\}$ be a ground set of $n$ elements, and let ${\cal S}$ be a family of subsets of $X$, $|{\cal S}|=m$, with a positive cost $c_S$ associated with each $S\in{\cal S}$. Consider the following online version of the set cover problem, ...
We study the online variant of the Min-Sum Set Cover problem (Mssc), a generalization of the well-known list update problem. In the Mssc problem, an algorithm has to maintain the time-varying permutation of the list of n elements, and serve a ...
The input to the min sum set cover problem is a collection of n sets that jointly cover m elements. The output is a linear order on the sets, namely, in every time step from 1 to n exactly one set is chosen. For every element, this induces a first ...
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