CrystalBox: future-based explanations for input-driven deep RL systems
Article No.: 1624, Pages 14563 - 14571
We present CrystalBox, a novel, model-agnostic, posthoc explainability framework for Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) controllers in the large family of input-driven environments which includes computer systems. We combine the natural decomposability of reward functions in input-driven environments with the explanatory power of decomposed returns. We propose an efficient algorithm to generate future-based explanations across both discrete and continuous control environments. Using applications such as adaptive bitrate streaming and congestion control, we demonstrate Crystal-Box's capability to generate high-fidelity explanations. We further illustrate its higher utility across three practical use cases: contrastive explanations, network observability, and guided reward design, as opposed to prior explainability techniques that identify salient features.
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Index Terms
- CrystalBox: future-based explanations for input-driven deep RL systems
Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.
Complexity results for explanations in the structural-model approach
We analyze the computational complexity of Halpern and Pearl's (causal) explanations in the structural-model approach, which are based on their notions of weak and actual cause. In particular, we give a precise picture of the complexity of deciding ...
Complexity results for structure-based causality
We give a precise picture of the computational complexity of causal relationships in Pearl's structural models, where we focus on causality between variables, event causality, and probabilistic causality. As for causality between variables, we consider ...
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