This document defines the format for literal IPv6 Addresses in URL's for implementation in World Wide Web browsers. This format has been implemented in the IPv6 versions of several widely deployed browsers including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and Lynx. It is also intended to be used in the IPv6 version of the service location protocol.
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A framework for incremental deep web crawler based on URL classification
WISM'11: Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on Web information systems and mining - Volume Part IIWith the Web grows rapidly, more and more data become available in the Deep Web.But users have to key in a set of keywords in order to access the pages from some web sites. Traditional search engines only index and retrieve Surface Web pages through ...
On the properties of spam-advertised URL addresses
The main purpose of most spam e-mail messages distributed on Internet today is to entice recipients into visiting World Wide Web pages that are advertised through spam. In essence, e-mail spamming is a campaign that advertises URL addresses at a massive ...
Secure Short URL Generation Method that Recognizes Risk of Target URL
All the information and data on the Internet are connected based on URL. Although many people use URL to share and convey the information, it is difficult to transmit the information when URL is long and special characters are mixed. Short URL service ...