MPGraf: a modular and pre-trained graphformer for learning to rank at web-scale (extended abstract)
Index Terms
- MPGraf: a modular and pre-trained graphformer for learning to rank at web-scale (extended abstract)
On the Multichromatic Number of s-Stable Kneser Graphs
For positive integers n and s, a subset Sï [n] is s-stable if sï |i-j|ï n-s for distinct i,j∈S . The s-stable r-uniform Kneser hypergraph KGrn,ks-stable is the r-uniform hypergraph that has the collection of all s-stable k-element subsets of [n] as ...
Adjacent vertex-distinguishing edge and total chromatic numbers of hypercubes
An adjacent vertex-distinguishing edge coloring of a simple graph G is a proper edge coloring of G such that incident edge sets of any two adjacent vertices are assigned different sets of colors. A total coloring of a graph G is a coloring of both the ...
Forbidden Subgraphs and Weak Locally Connected Graphs
A graph is called H-free if it has no induced subgraph isomorphic to H. A graph is called $$N^i$$Ni-locally connected if $$G[\{ x\in V(G): 1\le d_G(w, x)\le i\}]$$G[{x?V(G):1≤dG(w,x)≤i}] is connected and $$N_2$$N2-locally connected if $$G[\{uv: \{uw, vw\...
Information & Contributors
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- International Joint Conferences on Artifical Intelligence (IJCAI)
Unknown publishers
Publication History
- Research-article
- Research
- Refereed limited
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