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The nature of unsupervised learning in deep neural networks: A new understanding and novel approach

Published: 01 July 2016 Publication History


Over the last decade, the deep neural networks are a hot topic in machine learning. It is breakthrough technology in processing images, video, speech, text and audio. Deep neural network permits us to overcome some limitations of a shallow neural network due to its deep architecture. In this paper we investigate the nature of unsupervised learning in restricted Boltzmann machine. We have proved that maximization of the log-likelihood input data distribution of restricted Boltzmann machine is equivalent to minimizing the cross-entropy and to special case of minimizing the mean squared error. Thus the nature of unsupervised learning is invariant to different training criteria. As a result we propose a new technique called "REBA" for the unsupervised training of deep neural networks. In contrast to Hinton's conventional approach to the learning of restricted Boltzmann machine, which is based on linear nature of training rule, the proposed technique is founded on nonlinear training rule. We have shown that the classical equations for RBM learning are a special case of the proposed technique. As a result the proposed approach is more universal in contrast to the traditional energy-based model. We demonstrate the performance of the REBA technique using wellknown benchmark problem. The main contribution of this paper is a novel view and new understanding of an unsupervised learning in deep neural networks.


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Published In

cover image Optical Memory and Neural Networks
Optical Memory and Neural Networks  Volume 25, Issue 3
July 2016
76 pages



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 01 July 2016

Author Tags

  1. data visualization
  2. deep learning
  3. deep neural networks
  4. machine learning
  5. restricted Boltzmann machine


  • Article


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