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Enforcing authorizations while protecting access confidentiality

Published: 01 January 2018 Publication History


Cloud computing is the reference paradigm to provide data storage and management in a convenient and scalable manner. However, moving data to the cloud raises several issues, including the confidentiality of data and of accesses that are no more under the direct control of the data owner. The shuffle index has been proposed as a solution for addressing these issues when data are stored at an external third party.
In this paper, we extend the shuffle index with support for access control, that is, for enforcing authorizations on data. Our approach is based on the use of selective encryption and on the organization of data and authorizations in two shuffle indexes. Owners regulate access to their data through authorizations that allow different users to access different portions of the data, while, at the same time, the confidentiality of accesses is guaranteed. The proposed approach also supports update operations over the outsourced data collection (i.e., insertion, removal, and update) as well as of the access control policy (i.e., grant and revoke). Also, our approach protects the nature of each access operation, making revoke operations and resource removal operations indistinguishable by the storing server and/or observing users.


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Journal of Computer Security
Journal of Computer Security  Volume 26, Issue 2
137 pages


IOS Press


Publication History

Published: 01 January 2018

Author Tags

  1. Shuffle index
  2. access control
  3. data confidentiality
  4. access confidentiality


  • Research-article


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