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Study on a new network for identification of leaf diseases of woody fruit plants

Published: 01 January 2022 Publication History


The rapid and effective identification of leaf diseases of woody fruit plants can help fruit farmers prevent and cure diseases in time to improve fruit quality and minimize economic losses, which is of great significance to fruit planting. In recent years, deep learning has shown its unique advantages in image recognition. This paper proposes a new type of network based on deep learning image recognition method to recognize leaf diseases of woody fruit plants. The network merges the output of the convolutional layer of ResNet101 and VGG19 to improve the feature extraction ability of the entire model. It uses the transfer learning method to partially load the trained network weights, reducing model training parameters and training time. In addition, an attention mechanism is added to improve the efficiency of network information acquisition. Meanwhile, dropout, L2 regularization, and LN are used to prevent over-fitting, accelerate convergence, and improve the network’s generalization ability. The experimental results show that the overall accuracy of woody fruit plant leaf diseases identification based on the model proposed in this paper is 86.41%. Compared with the classic ResNet101, the accuracy is improved by 1.71%, and the model parameters are reduced by 96.63%. Moreover, compared with the classic VGG19 network, the accuracy is improved by 2.08%, and the model parameters are reduced by 96.42%. After data set balancing, the overall identification accuracy of woody fruit plant leaf diseases based on the model proposed in this paper can reach 86.73%.


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  1. Study on a new network for identification of leaf diseases of woody fruit plants
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        Published In

        cover image Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems: Applications in Engineering and Technology
        Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems: Applications in Engineering and Technology  Volume 43, Issue 4
        1429 pages


        IOS Press


        Publication History

        Published: 01 January 2022

        Author Tags

        1. Model fusion
        2. transfer learning
        3. neural network
        4. image recognition


        • Research-article


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