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Interactive Visualization Tools to Improve Learning and Teaching in Online Learning Environments

Published: 01 January 2016 Publication History


This paper presents two interactive visualization tools for learning management systems LMS in order to improve learning and teaching in online courses. The first tool was developed at the Intelligent Information Systems Laboratory IISLab at the Tampere University of Technology TUT. The tool is used to analyse students' activity from automatically recorded user log data and to build interactive visualizations. They provide valuable insights into the learning process and participation of students in a course offered to teachers and students. The second tool was developed at the Unitelma Sapienza University. It extends navigation and search functionalities in the discussion forum of an LMS with a topic-driven paradigm. The tool analyses forum content and automatically identifies discussion topics. It then enhances the original forum with a topic-driven navigation structure and an interactive search graph. Both tools have been developed as plug-ins for the Moodle LMS, but their analysis processes and techniques can be adopted into any LMS.


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  1. Interactive Visualization Tools to Improve Learning and Teaching in Online Learning Environments



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    cover image International Journal of Distance Education Technologies
    International Journal of Distance Education Technologies  Volume 14, Issue 1
    January 2016
    103 pages
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    IGI Global

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 January 2016

    Author Tags

    1. Data Mining
    2. E-Learning
    3. Information Retrieval
    4. Information Visualization
    5. Learning Analytics
    6. Visualization Tools


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