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IoT Analytics and ERP Interoperability in Automotive SCM: : ANN-Fuzzy Logic Technique for Designing Decision Support Systems

Published: 29 July 2022 Publication History


Abstract Objective – The objective of this paper is to understand the potential of Interoperability between ERP and IOT Analytics in enabling the agile performance in Automotive supply chain by exploring the influence between Interoperability, SC Visibility and SCM agile performance and propose design for decision making system using Artificial neural network integration with fuzzy logic technique. Design/methodology/approach – TOE view was used to develop theoretical framework in addition to the elaborate literature review. Empirical analysis on the collected data from professionals in the automotive industry used to conclude on the findings. Findings – The IOT-Analytics and ERP interoperability identified as an enabler of SCM agile performance. Originality/value – The research article provides theoretical and empirical evidence over the IOT analytics and ERP interoperability potential impact in the Automotive SCM with novel approach towards designing effective decision support system using artificial neural network-fuzzy logic integration technique.


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  1. IoT Analytics and ERP Interoperability in Automotive SCM: ANN-Fuzzy Logic Technique for Designing Decision Support Systems
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        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications
        International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications  Volume 11, Issue 3
        Aug 2022
        233 pages
        Issue’s Table of Contents


        IGI Global

        United States

        Publication History

        Published: 29 July 2022

        Author Tags

        1. Artificial Neural Network
        2. Automotive
        3. ERP
        4. Fuzzy Logic
        5. Interoperability
        6. IoT Analytics
        7. Supply Chain Agile Performance
        8. Supply Chain Visibility


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