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View all- Wu H(2024)Dilated convolution for enhanced extractive summarizationJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems: Applications in Engineering and Technology10.3233/JIFS-23470946:2(4777-4790)Online publication date: 14-Feb-2024
We have proposed a framework for multi-document abstractive summarization based on semantic role labeling (SRL). To the best of our knowledge, SRL has not been employed for abstractive summarization.The integration of genetic algorithm with SRL based ...
Extractive text summarization aims to create a condensed version of one or more source documents by selecting the most informative sentences. Research in text summarization has therefore often focused on measures of the usefulness of sentences for a ...
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Summarization is the process of compressing a text to obtain its important informative parts. In recent years, various methods have been presented to extract important parts of textual documents to present them in a summarized form. The first ...
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