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Resource Scheduling in Fog Environment Using Optimization Algorithms for 6G Networks

Published: 13 July 2022 Publication History


In the traditional system, various researchers have suggested different resource scheduling and optimization algorithms. However, still, there is a scope to reduce Bandwidth, latency, energy consumption, and total communication cost in the Fog environment. in this work discussion is done on various performance challenges that are experienced in the Fog Environment based on 6G networks and explore the role of optimization techniques to overcome these challenges This work is focused on the Comparison of PSO, GA, and Round-Robin algorithm on parameters Cost, makespan, average execution time, and energy consumption for the resource management in the Fog environment. This study also represents which technique among the Group behavior species, Social Behaviour, and Pre-emptive type is better for achieving QoS for resource management in the Fog environment for the 6G network. In this work, we have discussed various resource scheduling problems that may be faced in the future, and what type of improvement can be considered in terms of IoT devices and 6G networks.


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  1. Resource Scheduling in Fog Environment Using Optimization Algorithms for 6G Networks
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          cover image International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence
          International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence  Volume 14, Issue 1
          Oct 2022
          1068 pages
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          IGI Global

          United States

          Publication History

          Published: 13 July 2022

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          1. 6G
          2. Fog
          3. Network
          4. Optimization Algorithms
          5. Quality of Services
          6. Resource Scheduling


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          • (2023)Resource Scheduling Techniques for Optimal Quality of Service in Fog Computing Environment: A ReviewWireless Personal Communications: An International Journal10.1007/s11277-023-10421-4131:1(141-164)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2023
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