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Cited By
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- Khalife S, Liberti L and Vazirgiannis M Geometry and Analogies: A Study and Propagation Method for Word Representations Statistical Language and Speech Processing, (100-111)
- Chaparro O, Florez J and Marcus A (2019). Using bug descriptions to reformulate queries during text-retrieval-based bug localization, Empirical Software Engineering, 24:5, (2947-3007), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2019.
- Agarwal P, Ramanath M and Shroff G Retrieving Relationships from a Knowledge Graph for Question Answering Advances in Information Retrieval, (35-50)
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Index Terms
- Lucene in Action (In Action series)
Deep cascaded action attention network for weakly-supervised temporal action localization
AbstractWeakly-supervised temporal action localization (W-TAL) is to locate the boundaries of action instances and classify them in an untrimmed video, which is a challenging task due to only video-level labels during training. Existing methods mainly ...
Action Recognition by Hierarchical Mid-Level Action Elements
ICCV '15: Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)Realistic videos of human actions exhibit rich spatiotemporal structures at multiple levels of granularity: an action can always be decomposed into multiple finer-grained elements in both space and time. To capture this intuition, we propose to ...
Action Recognition Based on Dense Action Captioning
ICDIP '23: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Digital Image ProcessingConsidering that visually similar actions may be easily distinguished in textual description, it provides an opportunity to introduce textual description to assist action recognition. This paper proposes a novel action recognition method based on dense ...