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Security and UsabilityAugust 2005
  • O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Published:01 August 2005
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Human factors and usability issues have traditionally played a limited role in security research and secure systems development. Security experts have largely ignored usability issues--both because they often failed to recognize the importance of human factors and because they lacked the expertise to address them. But there is a growing recognition that today's security problems can be solved only by addressing issues of usability and human factors. Increasingly, well-publicized security breaches are attributed to human errors that might have been prevented through more usable software. Indeed, the world's future cyber-security depends upon the deployment of security technology that can be broadly used by untrained computer users. Still, many people believe there is an inherent tradeoff between computer security and usability. It's true that a computer without passwords is usable, but not very secure. A computer that makes you authenticate every five minutes with a password and a fresh drop of blood might be very secure, but nobody would use it. Clearly, people need computers, and if they can't use one that's secure, they'll use one that isn't. Unfortunately, unsecured systems aren't usable for long, either. They get hacked, compromised, and otherwise rendered useless. There is increasing agreement that we need to design secure systems that people can actually use, but less agreement about how to reach this goal. Security & Usability is the first book-length work describing the current state of the art in this emerging field. Edited by security experts Dr. Lorrie Faith Cranor and Dr. Simson Garfinkel, and authored by cutting-edge security and human-computer interaction (HCI) researchers world-wide, this volume is expected to become both a classic reference and an inspiration for future research. Security & Usability groups 34 essays into six parts: Realigning Usability and Security---with careful attention to user-centered design principles, security and usability can be synergistic. Authentication Mechanisms-- techniques for identifying and authenticating computer users. Secure Systems--how system software can deliver or destroy a secure user experience. Privacy and Anonymity Systems--methods for allowing people to control the release of personal information. Commercializing Usability: The Vendor Perspective--specific experiences of security and software vendors (e.g., IBM, Microsoft, Lotus, Firefox, and Zone Labs) in addressing usability. The Classics--groundbreaking papers that sparked the field of security and usability. This book is expected to start an avalanche of discussion, new ideas, and further advances in this important field.

Cited By

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  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Association for Computing Machinery


Srijith KrishnanNair

From previous experience, every time I decide to review a book that is a collection of papers, I am prepared to be disappointed. However, this collection pleasantly surprised me, not just with the quality and the coverage of the papers, but with the way each paper, by different authors, managed to fit in like a chapter of a story, telling the tale about the usability of security software. The editors set the tone early on in the preface, stating that the "goal is to make this book useful first for researchers in the field of security and usability, then for students, and finally for professionals." This should not suggest that this collection of 34 papers will not be useful to students or professionals; that is not the case. The book is presented as six parts: "Realigning Usability and Security," "Authentication Mechanisms," "Secure Systems," "Privacy and Anonymity Systems," "Commercializing Usability: The Vendor Perspective", and "The Classics." It is often stated that security and usability are related to one another in an inverse manner. The first part of the book, consisting of five chapters, argues that "with careful attention to user-centered design principles," the table can be turned on such a relationship and one can make secure and usable systems. As is evident from the title, the next part of the book, "Authentication Mechanisms," looks at the design of authentication systems that are usable, including passwords, biometrics, typing patterns, and security devices. The next six chapters discuss various facets of a secure user experience. They look at common issues of phishing attacks, secure deletion of files, public key infrastructure, and security administration tools and practices. Privacy and anonymity are the central theme of the next eight chapters, which include a paper on Tor and the platform for privacy preferences (P3P). There is an interesting paper on the use of informed content (or the lack of it) in designing Internet-based services. Industry practitioners will find the fifth part of the book interesting as it presents industry case studies of projects involving security usability design in products like Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2, ZoneAlarm, IBM Lotus Notes/Domino, and Groove Virtual Office. The book ends with a collection of three classic usability papers, including "Why Johnny Can't Encrypt," which discusses basic problems related to usability in security products. Cranor and Garfinkel have done a great job in putting together this collection that covers a range of issues related to usability in security design. Usability considerations are being recognized as one of the most important design issues to be kept in mind when designing systems that involve security, be it simple authentication or a stand-alone security product like a virus scanner or a firewall. This timely book will hopefully help kick-start more research into issues surrounding usability. I recommend this book to anyone interested in the usability of security systems.

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