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Introduction to Global Optimization (Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications)April 2002
  • Springer-Verlag
  • Berlin, Heidelberg
Published:01 April 2002
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  1. Pham Q, Lau H, Hà M and Vu L An efficient hybrid genetic algorithm for the quadratic traveling salesman problem Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, (343-351)
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  40. Stracquadanio G, Pappalardo E and Pardalos P (2012). A Mesh Adaptive Basin Hopping Method for the Design of Circular Antenna Arrays, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 155:3, (1008-1024), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2012.
  41. Calvin J, Chen Y and źIlinskas A (2012). An Adaptive Univariate Global Optimization Algorithm and Its Convergence Rate for Twice Continuously Differentiable Functions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 155:2, (628-636), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2012.
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  91. Huang H, Pardalos P and Shen Z (2002). Equivalent formulations and necessary optimality conditions for the Lennard–Jones problem, Journal of Global Optimization, 22:1-4, (97-118), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2002.
  92. Bomze I (2002). Branch-and-bound approaches to standard quadratic optimization problems, Journal of Global Optimization, 22:1-4, (17-37), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2002.
  93. Hoai An L and Tao P (2002). D.C. programming approach for multicommodity network optimization problems with step increasing cost functions, Journal of Global Optimization, 22:1-4, (205-232), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2002.
  94. Brimberg J, Hansen P and Mladenović N (2002). A note on reduction of quadratic and bilinear programs with equality constraints, Journal of Global Optimization, 22:1-4, (39-47), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2002.
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  102. Locatelli M and Raber U (2000). Finiteness Result for the Simplicial Branch-and-Bound Algorithm Based on ź-Subdivisions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 107:1, (81-88), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2000.
  103. Locatelli M and Raber U (2000). On Convergence of the Simplicial Branch-and-Bound Algorithm Based on ź-Subdivisions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 107:1, (69-79), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2000.
  104. Thoai N (2000). Duality Bound Method for the General Quadratic Programming Problem with Quadratic Constraints, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 107:2, (331-354), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2000.
  105. Nowak I (2000). Dual Bounds and Optimality Cuts for All-Quadratic Programs with Convex Constraints, Journal of Global Optimization, 18:4, (337-356), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2000.
  106. Bomze I, Dür M, De Klerk E, Roos C, Quist A and Terlaky T (2000). On Copositive Programming and Standard Quadratic Optimization Problems, Journal of Global Optimization, 18:4, (301-320), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2000.
  107. Thoai N (2000). Conical Algorithm in Global Optimization for Optimizing over Efficient Sets, Journal of Global Optimization, 18:4, (321-336), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2000.
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  110. Locatelli M and Thoai N (2000). Finite Exact Branch-and-Bound Algorithms for Concave Minimization over Polytopes, Journal of Global Optimization, 18:2, (107-128), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2000.
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  • University of Trier


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