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Algorithms and Data Structures: The Basic ToolboxAugust 2008
  • Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated
Published:06 August 2008
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Algorithms are at the heart of every nontrivial computer application, and algorithmics is a modern and active area of computer science. Every computer scientist and every professional programmer should know about the basic algorithmic toolbox: structures that allow efficient organization and retrieval of data, frequently used algorithms, and basic techniques for modeling, understanding and solving algorithmic problems. This book is a concise introduction addressed to students and professionals familiar with programming and basic mathematical language. Individual chapters cover arrays and linked lists, hash tables and associative arrays, sorting and selection, priority queues, sorted sequences, graph representation, graph traversal, shortest paths, minimum spanning trees, and optimization. The algorithms are presented in a modern way, with explicitly formulated invariants, and comment on recent trends such as algorithm engineering, memory hierarchies, algorithm libraries and certifying algorithms. The authors use pictures, words and high-level pseudocode to explain the algorithms, and then they present more detail on efficient implementations using real programming languages like C++ and Java. The authors have extensive experience teaching these subjects to undergraduates and graduates, and they offer a clear presentation, with examples, pictures, informal explanations, exercises, and some linkage to the real world. Most chapters have the same basic structure: a motivation for the problem, comments on the most important applications, and then simple solutions presented as informally as possible and as formally as necessary. For the more advanced issues, this approach leads to a more mathematical treatment, including some theorems and proofs. Finally, each chapter concludes with a section on further findings, providing views on the state of research, generalizations and advanced solutions.

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  • Max Planck Institute for Informatics
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


Michael G. Murphy

This text is intended for undergraduate computer science (CS) majors, and focuses on algorithm analysis. An unstated assumption is that the reader has significant mathematical competence and a solid grounding in elementary data structures. The content is concise (only 300 pages), and reads a little like a text from the 1960s or 1970s. Each chapter has a similar structure: a motivational scenario; important applications; solutions that include both simple techniques and more advanced techniques, with a relatively rigorous mathematical treatment; implementation notes primarily related to C++ and Java, including standard or well-known library packages; and historical notes and further findings. According to the publisher's site, the chapters cover: arrays and linked lists, hash tables and associative arrays, sorting and selection, priority queues, sorted sequences, graph representation, graph traversal, shortest paths, minimum spanning trees, and optimization. The coverage is fairly complete, but not everyone will find their favorite topics addressed. Also, there is a list of 208 references. Exercises are interspersed throughout the text, and tend to be somewhat challenging. Mehlhorn and Sanders write well, and the well-organized presentation reflects their experience and interest in the various topics. I would not choose to use it as an undergraduate text, but it is an excellent reference, and could possibly be used in a transition course, serving students coming to graduate CS courses from other technical fields. Finally, the book contains interesting tidbits that are not readily available elsewhere. Online Computing Reviews Service

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