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10.5555/1496711.1496714guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Automatic generation of XSS and SQL injection attacks with goal-directed model checking

Published: 28 July 2008 Publication History


Cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection errors are two prominent examples of taint-based vulnerabilities that have been responsible for a large number of security breaches in recent years. This paper presents QED, a goal-directed model-checking system that automatically generates attacks exploiting taint-based vulnerabilities in large Java web applications. This is the first time where model checking has been used successfully on real-life Java programs to create attack sequences that consist of multiple HTTP requests.
QED accepts any Java web application that is written to the standard servlet specification. The analyst specifies the vulnerability of interest in a specification that looks like a Java code fragment, along with a range of values for form parameters. QED then generates a goal-directed analysis from the specification to perform session-aware tests, optimizes to eliminate inputs that are not of interest, and feeds the remainder to a model checker. The checker will systematically explore the remaining state space and report example attacks if the vulnerability specification is matched.
QED provides better results than traditional analyses because it does not generate any false positive warnings. It proves the existence of errors by providing an example attack and a program trace showing how the code is compromised. Past experience suggests this is important because it makes it easy for the application maintainer to recognize the errors and to make the necessary fixes. In addition, for a class of applications, QED can guarantee that it has found all the potential bugs in the program. We have run QED over 3 Java web applications totaling 130,000 lines of code. We found 10 SQL injections and 13 cross-site scripting errors.


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SS'08: Proceedings of the 17th conference on Security symposium
July 2008
410 pages


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Published: 28 July 2008


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