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Introduction to parallel computing: design and analysis of algorithmsJanuary 1994
  • Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Co., Inc.
  • Subs. of Addison-Wesley Longman Publ. Co390 Bridge Pkwy. Redwood City, CA
  • United States
Published:02 January 1994
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  1. Zhang B, Kannan R, Busart C and Prasanna V (2024). VisionAGILE: A Versatile Domain-Specific Accelerator for Computer Vision Tasks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 35:12, (2405-2422), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2024.
  2. Li T, Li Y, Zhu W, Xu Y and Lui J MinFlow Proceedings of the 22nd USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, (311-328)
  3. Lopez-Menchon H, Ubeda E, Heldring A and Rius J (2022). A parallel Monte Carlo method for solving electromagnetic scattering in clusters of dielectric objects, Journal of Computational Physics, 463:C, Online publication date: 15-Aug-2022.
  4. ACM
    Şuşu A (2020). A Vector-Length Agnostic Compiler for the Connex-S Accelerator with Scratchpad Memory, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 19:6, (1-30), Online publication date: 30-Nov-2020.
  5. ACM
    Javanmard M, Ahmad Z, Kong M, Pouchet L, Chowdhury R and Harrison R Deriving parametric multi-way recursive divide-and-conquer dynamic programming algorithms using polyhedral compilers Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, (317-329)
  6. Kang Q, Träff J, Al-Bahrani R, Agrawal A, Choudhary A and Liao W (2022). Scalable Algorithms for MPI Intergroup Allgather and Allgatherv, Parallel Computing, 85:C, (220-230), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2019.
  7. Karakus M and Durresi A (2019). An economic framework for analysis of network architectures, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 136:C, (132-146), Online publication date: 15-Jun-2019.
  8. Mishra S and Coello Coello C (2019). Parallelism in divide-and-conquer non-dominated sorting, Journal of Heuristics, 25:3, (455-483), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2019.
  9. ACM
    Harrison P, Patel N, Pérez J and Qiu Z (2019). Managing Response Time Tails by Sharding, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems, 4:1, (1-33), Online publication date: 3-Mar-2019.
  10. Gill G, Dathathri R, Hoang L and Pingali K (2018). A study of partitioning policies for graph analytics on large-scale distributed platforms, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 12:4, (321-334), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2018.
  11. Shi J, Li R, Xi Y, Saad Y and de Hoop M Computing planetary interior normal modes with a highly parallel polynomial filtering eigensolver Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, (1-13)
  12. Shi J, Li R, Xi Y, Saad Y and de Hoop M Computing planetary interior normal modes with a highly parallel polynomial filtering eigensolver Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, (1-13)
  13. ACM
    Kang Q, Träff J, Al-Bahrani R, Agrawal A, Choudhary A and Liao W Full-Duplex Inter-Group All-to-All Broadcast Algorithms with Optimal Bandwidth Proceedings of the 25th European MPI Users' Group Meeting, (1-10)
  14. Karakus M and Durresi A (2018). Economic Viability of Software Defined Networking (SDN), Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, 135:C, (81-95), Online publication date: 22-Apr-2018.
  15. Kamp M, Boley M, Missura O and Gartner T Effective parallelisation for machine learning Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (6480-6491)
  16. Kumar M and Pal A (2017). Frequent Itemset Mining in Large Datasets a Survey, International Journal of Information Retrieval Research, 7:4, (37-49), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2017.
  17. Salah S, Akbarinia R and Masseglia F (2017). Data placement in massively distributed environments for fast parallel mining of frequent itemsets, Knowledge and Information Systems, 53:1, (207-237), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2017.
  18. ACM
    George B and Ashbaugh B Wavefront Parallel Processing on GPUs with an Application to Video Encoding Algorithms Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on OpenCL, (1-9)
  19. Alsarhan A, Abdallah E and Aljammal A (2017). Competitive Processors Allocation in 2D Mesh Connected Multicomputer Networks, International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing, 9:2, (53-69), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2017.
  20. Hussain Z and Shamaei A (2017). Higher dimensional EisensteinJacobi networks, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 102:C, (91-102), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2017.
  21. Karakus M and Durresi A (2017). A survey, Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, 112:C, (279-293), Online publication date: 15-Jan-2017.
  22. Cheng E, Li L, Lipták L, Shim S and Steffy D (2017). On the Problem of Determining which (n, k)-Star Graphs are Cayley Graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 33:1, (85-102), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2017.
  23. Dutta S, Cadambe V and Grover P "Short-Dot" Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (2100-2108)
  24. ACM
    Karydi E and Margaritis K (2016). Parallel and Distributed Collaborative Filtering, ACM Computing Surveys, 49:2, (1-41), Online publication date: 11-Nov-2016.
  25. Čiegis R, StarikoviăźIus V, Tumanova N and Ragulskis M (2016). Application of distributed parallel computing for dynamic visual cryptography, The Journal of Supercomputing, 72:11, (4204-4220), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2016.
  26. Bistaffa F, Bombieri N and Farinelli A CUBE Proceedings of the Twenty-second European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (125-132)
  27. Liu Y, Jing W and Xu L (2016). Parallelizing Backpropagation Neural Network Using MapReduce and Cascading Model, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2016, Online publication date: 1-Apr-2016.
  28. ACM
    Axtmann M, Bingmann T, Sanders P and Schulz C Practical Massively Parallel Sorting Proceedings of the 27th ACM symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, (13-23)
  29. ACM
    Bouteiller A, Herault T, Bosilca G, Du P and Dongarra J (2015). Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance for Dense Matrix Factorizations, Multiple Failures and Accuracy, ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing, 1:2, (1-28), Online publication date: 18-Feb-2015.
  30. Liu Y, Yang J, Huang Y, Xu L, Li S and Qi M (2016). MapReduce based parallel neural networks in enabling large scale machine learning, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2015, (1-1), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2015.
  31. Čiegis R, StarikoviăźIus V and Bugajev A On Parallelization of the OpenFOAM-Based Solver for the Heat Transfer in Electrical Power Cables Revised Selected Papers, Part I, of the Euro-Par 2014 International Workshops on Parallel Processing - Volume 8805, (1-11)
  32. Chakravorty A, George T and Sabharwal Y Multicore Parallelization of the PTAS Dynamic Program for the Bin-Packing Problem Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking - Volume 8314, (81-95)
  33. Li Y and Chu W Total Exchange Routing on Hierarchical Dual-Nets Proceedings of the 10th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing - Volume 8147, (179-193)
  34. ACM
    Du P, Bouteiller A, Bosilca G, Herault T and Dongarra J (2012). Algorithm-based fault tolerance for dense matrix factorizations, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 47:8, (225-234), Online publication date: 11-Sep-2012.
  35. Marendi$#263; P, Lemeire J, Haber T, Vučini$#263; D and Schelkens P An investigation into the performance of reduction algorithms under load imbalance Proceedings of the 18th international conference on Parallel Processing, (439-450)
  36. Čiegis R and Bugajev A Parallel numerical algorithms for simulation of multidimensional ill-posed nonlinear diffusion-advection-reaction models Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Applied Parallel and Scientific Computing, (387-397)
  37. Sun Z, Wang H, Wang H, Shao B and Li J (2012). Efficient subgraph matching on billion node graphs, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 5:9, (788-799), Online publication date: 1-May-2012.
  38. Higa D and Stefanes M A coarse-grained parallel algorithm for the matrix chain order problem Proceedings of the 2012 Symposium on High Performance Computing, (1-8)
  39. ACM
    Du P, Bouteiller A, Bosilca G, Herault T and Dongarra J Algorithm-based fault tolerance for dense matrix factorizations Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, (225-234)
  40. ACM
    Kim J, Hwang I, Kim Y and Moon B Genetic approaches for graph partitioning Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, (473-480)
  41. Lesniak M Thread-Safe priority queues in haskell based on skiplists Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Trends in Functional Programming, (114-129)
  42. ACM
    Ban T, Zhang C, Abe S, Takahashi T and Kadobayashi Y Mining interlacing manifolds in high dimensional spaces Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (942-949)
  43. Wong K and Bard G Improved algebraic cryptanalysis of QUAD, Bivium and Trivium via graph partitioning on equation systems Proceedings of the 15th Australasian conference on Information security and privacy, (19-36)
  44. ACM
    Brown R, Shoop E, Adams J, Clifton C, Gardner M, Haupt M and Hinsbeeck P Strategies for preparing computer science students for the multicore world Proceedings of the 2010 ITiCSE working group reports, (97-115)
  45. ACM
    Korthikanti V and Agha G Towards optimizing energy costs of algorithms for shared memory architectures Proceedings of the twenty-second annual ACM symposium on Parallelism in algorithms and architectures, (157-165)
  46. Gergel V and Labutina A The paraLab system for investigating the parallel algorithms Proceedings of the Second Russia-Taiwan conference on Methods and tools of parallel programming multicomputers, (95-104)
  47. ACM
    Kale V and Solomonik E Parallel sorting pattern Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Parallel Programming Patterns, (1-12)
  48. Blelloch G and Maggs B Parallel algorithms Algorithms and theory of computation handbook, (25-25)
  49. Chiu C, Chen K and Ke C Optimal RFID networks scheduling using genetic algorithm and swarm intelligence Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE international conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, (1201-1208)
  50. Arbenz P, Bryner J and Tobler C Parallelized transient elastic wave propagation in orthotropic structures Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Parallel processing and applied mathematics: Part II, (310-319)
  51. Zhang Q, Sun G and Xu Y Parallel Algorithms for Solving Markov Decision Process Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, (466-477)
  52. Li Y, Peng S and Chu W An Efficient Parallel Sorting Algorithm on Metacube Multiprocessors Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, (372-383)
  53. Saeed F and Khokhar A (2009). A domain decomposition strategy for alignment of multiple biological sequences on multiprocessor platforms, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 69:7, (666-677), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2009.
  54. ACM
    Han W and Lee J Dependency-aware reordering for parallelizing query optimization in multi-core CPUs Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of data, (45-58)
  55. Wang C, Chen J, Sun Y and Shen X Wireless sensor networks localization with isomap Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE international conference on Communications, (28-32)
  56. ACM
    Lucas K Parallel algorithm for sorting on OTIS-ring multicomputer Proceedings of the 2nd Bangalore Annual Compute Conference, (1-5)
  57. Dharmaraj C, Thadikonda K, Fletcher A, Doan P, Devasahayam N, Matsumoto S, Johnson C, Cook J, Mitchell J, Subramanian S and Krishna M (2009). Reconstruction for time-domain in vivo EPR 3D multigradient oximetric imaging, Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2009, (1-12), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2009.
  58. Sabharwal Y, Garg S, Garg R, Gunnels J and Sahoo R Optimization of fast Fourier transforms on the Blue Gene/L supercomputer Proceedings of the 15th international conference on High performance computing, (309-322)
  59. Eusgeld I References Dependability metrics, (267-300)
  60. ACM
    Chernikov A and Chrisochoides N (2008). Algorithm 872, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 34:1, (1-20), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2008.
  61. Low M, Liu W and Schmidt B A parallel BSP algorithm for irregular dynamic programming Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Advanced parallel processing technologies, (151-160)
  62. Low M, Liu W and Schmidt B A Parallel BSP Algorithm for Irregular Dynamic Programming Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies, (151-160)
  63. Peláez I, Almeida F and Suárez F DPSKEL Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Parallel processing and applied mathematics, (1104-1113)
  64. López-Espín J and Giménez D Message-passing two steps least square algorithms for simultaneous equations models Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Parallel processing and applied mathematics, (127-136)
  65. ACM
    Llorà X, Reddy R, Matesic B and Bhargava R Towards better than human capability in diagnosing prostate cancer using infrared spectroscopic imaging Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, (2098-2105)
  66. Bani-Mohammad S, Ould-Khaoua M and Ababneh I (2007). An efficient non-contiguous processor allocation strategy for 2D mesh connected multicomputers, Information Sciences: an International Journal, 177:14, (2867-2883), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2007.
  67. ACM
    Huang C and Kale L Charisma Proceedings of the 16th international symposium on High performance distributed computing, (75-84)
  68. Wang S, Gu H and Wang C RTOIN Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Scalable information systems, (1-7)
  69. Kawabata C, Santana R, Santana M, Bruschi S and Castelo Branco K Performance evaluation of a CMB protocol Proceedings of the 38th conference on Winter simulation, (1012-1019)
  70. Takesue M (2006). The psi-cube, Parallel Computing, 32:11-12, (852-869), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2006.
  71. ACM
    Shan H, Strohmaier E, Qiang J, Bailey D and Yelick K Performance modeling and optimization of a high energy colliding beam simulation code Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, (97-es)
  72. Emerson E, Trefler R and Wahl T Reducing model checking of the few to the one Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Formal Methods and Software Engineering, (94-113)
  73. Čiegis R Parallel LOD scheme for 3d parabolic problem with nonlocal boundary condition Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Parallel Processing, (679-688)
  74. Asai S, Kounoike Y, Shinano Y and Kaneko K Computing the diameter of 17-pancake graph using a PC cluster Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Parallel Processing, (1114-1124)
  75. Niewiadomski R, Amaral J and Holte R Sequential and parallel algorithms for frontier A* with delayed duplicate detection proceedings of the 21st national conference on Artificial intelligence - Volume 2, (1039-1044)
  76. Zhang J, Meleis W, Kaeli D and Wu T Acceleration of Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Tomosynthesis Mammography Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems - Volume 1, (291-299)
  77. Chi J, Koyuturk M and Grama A (2006). CONQUEST, Algorithmica, 45:3, (377-401), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2006.
  78. Flores-Sánchez O, Vidal V, García V and Flores-Sánchez P Sequential and parallel resolution of the two-group transient neutron diffusion equation using second-degree iterative methods Proceedings of the 7th international conference on High performance computing for computational science, (426-438)
  79. Rasúa R, Vidal A and García V Parallel optimization methods based on direct search Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Computational Science - Volume Part I, (324-331)
  80. ACM
    Sur S, Jin H, Chai L and Panda D RDMA read based rendezvous protocol for MPI over InfiniBand Proceedings of the eleventh ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of parallel programming, (32-39)
  81. Kwok Y and Ahmad I (2005). On multiprocessor task scheduling using efficient state space search approaches, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 65:12, (1515-1532), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2005.
  82. Jeong S and Han K Improving parallelism of nested loops with non-uniform dependences Proceedings of the 2005 IFIP international conference on Network and Parallel Computing, (205-212)
  83. Michailidis P, Stefanidis V and Margaritis K Performance analysis of overheads for matrix – vector multiplication in cluster environment Proceedings of the 10th Panhellenic conference on Advances in Informatics, (245-255)
  84. Garz E and García I (2005). Approaches Based on Permutations for Partitioning Sparse Matrices on Multiprocessors, The Journal of Supercomputing, 34:1, (41-61), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2005.
  85. ACM
    Sandnes F Evaluating mobile text entry strategies with finite state automata Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Human computer interaction with mobile devices & services, (115-121)
  86. Ivanova M and Risch T Customizable parallel execution of scientific stream queries Proceedings of the 31st international conference on Very large data bases, (157-168)
  87. Sinnen O and Sousa L (2005). Communication Contention in Task Scheduling, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 16:6, (503-515), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2005.
  88. Liu W and Schmidt B A Case Study on Pattern-Based Systems for High Performance Computational Biology Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'05) - Workshop 7 - Volume 08
  89. Beaumont O, Marchal L and Robert Y Broadcast Trees for Heterogeneous Platforms Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'05) - Papers - Volume 01
  90. Beaumont O, Legrand A, Marchal L and Robert Y (2005). Pipelining Broadcasts on Heterogeneous Platforms, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 16:4, (300-313), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2005.
  91. Awwad A OTIS-star an attractive alternative network Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel & Distributed Systems, (1-6)
  92. Liu W and Schmidt B A tunable coarse-grained parallel algorithm for irregular dynamic programming applications Proceedings of the 11th international conference on High Performance Computing, (91-100)
  93. Becerra G and Maciá A Parallel global and local convergent algorithms for solving the iniverse additive singular value problem Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on Systems Theory and Scientific Computation, (1-6)
  94. Liu X and Chien A Realistic Large-Scale Online Network Simulation Proceedings of the 2004 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing
  95. Xu S and Zhang J (2004). A parallel hybrid web document clustering algorithm and its performance study, The Journal of Supercomputing, 30:2, (117-131), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2004.
  96. Peinado J and Vidal A Three parallel algorithms for solving nonlinear systems and optimization problems Proceedings of the 6th international conference on High Performance Computing for Computational Science, (657-670)
  97. Čiegis R, Baravykaitė M and Belevičius R Parallel global optimization of foundation schemes in civil engineering Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Applied Parallel Computing: state of the Art in Scientific Computing, (305-312)
  98. Sinaga J, Mohamed H and Epema D A dynamic co-allocation service in multicluster systems Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, (194-209)
  99. Chen S, Lin S, Huang L and Wei C (2004). Towards the Exact Minimization of BDDs—An Elitism-Based Distributed Evolutionary Algorithm, Journal of Heuristics, 10:3, (337-355), Online publication date: 1-May-2004.
  100. ACM
    Kouril M and Paul J A parallel backtracking framework (BkFr) for single and multiple clusters Proceedings of the 1st conference on Computing frontiers, (302-312)
  101. Li Y, Peng S and Chu W (2004). Efficient Collective Communications in Dual-Cube, The Journal of Supercomputing, 28:1, (71-90), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2004.
  102. ACM
    Gorlatch S (2004). Send-receive considered harmful, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 26:1, (47-56), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2004.
  103. ACM
    Jaganathan R, Underwood K and Sass R A Configurable Network Protocol for Cluster Based Communications using Modular Hardware Primitives on an Intelligent NIC Proceedings of the 2003 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing
  104. Vetter J and Mueller F (2003). Communication characteristics of large-scale scientific applications for contemporary cluster architectures, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 63:9, (853-865), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2003.
  105. Yamamoto Y, Igai M and Naono K A vector-parallel FFT with a user-specifiable data distribution scheme Proceedings of the 2003 international conference on Parallel and distributed processing and applications, (362-374)
  106. Lee H, Kim J, Hong S and Lee S (2003). Processor Allocation and Task Scheduling of Matrix Chain Products on Parallel Systems, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 14:4, (394-407), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2003.
  107. Migdalas A, Toraldo G and Kumar V (2003). Nonlinear optimization and parallel computing, Parallel Computing, 29:4, (375-391), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2003.
  108. ACM
    Jayasimha D, Schwiebert L, Manivannan D and May J (2003). A foundation for designing deadlock-free routing algorithms in wormhole networks, Journal of the ACM, 50:2, (250-275), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2003.
  109. Dongarra J, Foster I, Fox G, Gropp W, Kennedy K, Torczon L and White A References Sourcebook of parallel computing, (729-789)
  110. Grammatikakis M, Coppola M and Sensini F Software for multiprocessor networks on chip Networks on chip, (281-303)
  111. Gorlatch S SAT Patterns and skeletons for parallel and distributed computing, (29-63)
  112. Gil C, Ortega J, Montoya M and Baños R (2002). A Mixed Heuristic for Circuit Partitioning, Computational Optimization and Applications, 23:3, (321-340), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2002.
  113. ACM
    Phan T, Huang L and Dulan C Challenge Proceedings of the 8th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking, (271-278)
  114. Zara F, Faure F and Vincent J Physical cloth simulation on a PC cluster Proceedings of the Fourth Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, (105-112)
  115. Randall M and Lewis A (2002). A parallel implementation of ant colony optimization, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 62:9, (1421-1432), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2002.
  116. Mu M (2002). A Multiple-Heaps Algorithm for Parallel Simulation of Collision Systems, Journal of Computational Physics, 179:2, (539-556), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2002.
  117. Peinado J and Vidal A A parallel Newton-GMRES algorithm for solving large scale nonlinear systems Proceedings of the 5th international conference on High performance computing for computational science, (328-342)
  118. Futamura N, Aluru S, Ranjan D and Hariharan B (2002). Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Solvent Accessible Surface Area of Proteins, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 13:6, (544-555), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2002.
  119. Li K Average-Case Scalability Analysis of Parallel Computations on k-ary d-cubes Proceedings of the 16th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
  120. Gascard E and Pierre L Mechanical Verification of Hypercube Algorithms Proceedings of the 16th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
  121. Sambavaram S and Sarin V A High Performance Algorithm for Incompressible Flows Using Local Solenoidal Functions Proceedings of the 16th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
  122. Vetter J and Mueller F Communication Characteristics of Large-Scale Scientific Applications for Contemporary Cluster Architectures Proceedings of the 16th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
  123. Chai S and Wills D (2002). Systolic Opportunities for Multidimensional Data Streams, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 13:4, (388-398), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2002.
  124. Suh J and Prasanna V (2002). An Efficient Algorithm for Out-of-Core Matrix Transposition, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 51:4, (420-438), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2002.
  125. Li S, Wunsch D, O'Hair E and Giesselmann M (2002). Extended Kalman Filter Training of Neural Networks on a SIMD Parallel Machine, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 62:4, (544-562), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2002.
  126. ACM
    Van Veldhuizen D, Zydallis J and Lamont G Issues in parallelizing multiobjective evolutionary algorithms for real world applications Proceedings of the 2002 ACM symposium on Applied computing, (595-602)
  127. Dehne F, Eavis T, Hambrusch S and Rau-Chaplin A (2002). Parallelizing the Data Cube, Distributed and Parallel Databases, 11:2, (181-201), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2002.
  128. Comino N and Narasimhan V (2002). A Novel Data Distribution Technique for Host-Client Type Parallel Applications, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 13:2, (97-110), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2002.
  129. Sameh A and Sarin V (2002). Parallel algorithms for indefinite linear systems, Parallel Computing, 28:2, (285-299), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2002.
  130. Beaumont O, Legrand A, Rastello F and Robert Y (2002). Dense linear algebra kernels on heterogeneous platforms, Parallel Computing, 28:2, (155-185), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2002.
  131. Sun X (2002). Scalability versus Execution Time in Scalable Systems, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 62:2, (173-192), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2002.
  132. McGeoch C, Sanders P, Fleischer R, Cohen P and Precup D Using finite experiments to study asymptotic performance Experimental algorithmics, (93-126)
  133. Grossman R and Guo Y Data mining tasks and methods Handbook of data mining and knowledge discovery, (433-442)
  134. Chen J and Taylor V (2002). Mesh Partitioning for Efficient Use of Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 13:1, (67-79), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2002.
  135. Jung I, Hyun J, Lee J and Ma J (2001). Two-Phase Barrier, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 29:6, (607-627), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2001.
  136. ACM
    Fahringer T and Júnior C Modeling and detecting performance problems for distributed and parallel programs with JavaPSL Proceedings of the 2001 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, (35-35)
  137. ACM
    Truong H, Fahringer T, Madsen G, Malony A, Moritsch H and Shende S On using SCALEA for performance analysis of distributed and parallel programs Proceedings of the 2001 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, (34-34)
  138. ACM
    Catalyurek U and Aykanat C A hypergraph-partitioning approach for coarse-grain decomposition Proceedings of the 2001 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, (28-28)
  139. ACM
    Gau C and Stadtherr M Parallel interval-Newton using message passing Proceedings of the 2001 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, (23-23)
  140. Beaumont O, Boudet V, Rastello F and Robert Y (2001). Matrix Multiplication on Heterogeneous Platforms, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 12:10, (1033-1051), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2001.
  141. Beaumont O, Boudet V and Petitet A (2001). A Proposal for a Heterogeneous Cluster ScaLAPACK (Dense Linear Solvers), IEEE Transactions on Computers, 50:10, (1052-1070), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2001.
  142. ACM
    Vetter J and McCracken M (2001). Statistical scalability analysis of communication operations in distributed applications, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 36:7, (123-132), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2001.
  143. Bianchini M, Fanelli S and Gori M (2001). Optimal Algorithms for Well-Conditioned Nonlinear Systems of Equations, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 50:7, (689-698), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2001.
  144. ACM
    Vetter J and McCracken M Statistical scalability analysis of communication operations in distributed applications Proceedings of the eighth ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practices of parallel programming, (123-132)
  145. ACM
    Chakrabarti D and Banerjee P Global optimization techniques for automatic parallelization of hybrid applications Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Supercomputing, (166-180)
  146. Gannon D, Beckman P, Johnson E, Green T and Levine M HPC++ and the HPC++Lib toolkit Compiler optimizations for scalable parallel systems, (73-107)
  147. Xu C and Chaudhary V (2001). Time Stamp Algorithms for Runtime Parallelization of DOACROSS Loops with Dynamic Dependences, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 12:5, (433-450), Online publication date: 1-May-2001.
  148. Chakrabarti D and Banerjee P (2001). Static Single Assignment Form for Message-Passing Programs, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 29:2, (139-184), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2001.
  149. ACM
    Shen Z A routing algorithm for the pyramid structures Proceedings of the 2001 ACM symposium on Applied computing, (484-488)
  150. Ding C (2001). An Optimal Index Reshuffle Algorithm for Multidimensional Arrays and Its Applications for Parallel Architectures, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 12:3, (306-315), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2001.
  151. do Nascimento H and Eades P A system for graph clustering based on user hints Selected papers from the Pan-Sydney workshop on Visualisation - Volume 2, (73-74)
  152. Hamidzadeh B, Kit L and Lilja D (2000). Dynamic Task Scheduling Using Online Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 11:11, (1151-1163), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2000.
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  157. Suh J and Prasanna V An Efficient Algorithm for Large-Scale Matrix Transposition Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Parallel Processing
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    Thulasiraman P, Theobald K, Khokhar A and Gao G Multithreaded algorithms for the fast Fourier transform Proceedings of the twelfth annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and architectures, (176-185)
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  161. Han E, Karypis G and Kumar V (2000). Scalable Parallel Data Mining for Association Rules, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 12:3, (337-352), Online publication date: 1-May-2000.
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    Shen Z The calculation of average distance in mesh structures Proceedings of the 2000 ACM symposium on Applied computing - Volume 1, (89-93)
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  165. Al-Furaih I, Aluru S, Goil S and Ranka S (2000). Parallel Construction of Multidimensional Binary Search Trees, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 11:2, (136-148), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2000.
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  168. AlMohammad B and Bose B (1999). Fault-Tolerant Communication Algorithms in Toroidal Networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 10:10, (976-983), Online publication date: 1-Oct-1999.
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  170. Srivastava A, Han E, Kumar V and Singh V (1999). Parallel Formulations of Decision-Tree Classification Algorithms, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 3:3, (237-261), Online publication date: 1-Sep-1999.
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  173. Goudreau M, Lang K, Rao S, Suel T and Tsantilas T (1999). Portable and Efficient Parallel Computing Using the BSP Model, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 48:7, (670-689), Online publication date: 1-Jul-1999.
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    Juhasz Z (1999). Using spreadsheets as a simple and effective teaching tool for predicting and visualizing parallel program performance, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 31:2, (51-54), Online publication date: 1-Jun-1999.
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    Bagrodia R, Deeljman E, Docy S and Phan T Performance prediction of large parallel applications using parallel simulations Proceedings of the seventh ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of parallel programming, (151-162)
  176. Sun X, Pantano M and Fahringer T (1999). Integrated Range Comparison for Data-Parallel Compilation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 10:5, (448-458), Online publication date: 1-May-1999.
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    Dumitrescu R and Lederer E Reliable and efficient matrix processing with the specification-consistent coordination model Proceedings of the 1999 ACM symposium on Applied computing, (191-193)
  179. Grama A and Kumar V (1999). State of the Art in Parallel Search Techniques for Discrete Optimization Problems, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 11:1, (28-35), Online publication date: 1-Jan-1999.
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  184. Hambrusch S and Khokhar A (1998). Scalable S-To-P Broadcasting on Message-Passing MPPs, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 9:8, (758-768), Online publication date: 1-Aug-1998.
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  189. Shekhar S, Ravada S, Kumar V, Chubb D and Turner G (1998). Declustering and Load-Balancing Methods for Parallelizing Geographic Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 10:4, (632-655), Online publication date: 1-Jul-1998.
  190. Sengupta A and Raghavendra C (1998). All-To-All Broadcast and Matrix Multiplication in Faulty SIMD Hypercubes, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 9:6, (550-560), Online publication date: 1-Jun-1998.
  191. Boppana R, Chalasani S and Raghavendra C (1998). Resource Deadlocks and Performance of Wormhole Multicast Routing Algorithms, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 9:6, (535-549), Online publication date: 1-Jun-1998.
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  196. Gorlatch S (1998). Programming with Divide-and-Conquer Skeletons, The Journal of Supercomputing, 12:1-2, (85-97), Online publication date: 1-Jan-1998.
  197. Shi H, Gader P and Li H (1998). Parallel Mesh Algorithms for Grid Graph Shortest Paths with Application to Separation of Touching Chromosomes, The Journal of Supercomputing, 12:1-2, (69-83), Online publication date: 1-Jan-1998.
  198. Chalasani S (1997). A New Parallel Algorithm for Time-Slot Assignment in Hierarchical Switching Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 46:12, (1387-1395), Online publication date: 1-Dec-1997.
  199. Goil S and Choudhary A (1997). High Performance OLAP and Data Mining on Parallel Computers, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 1:4, (391-417), Online publication date: 1-Dec-1997.
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  203. Al-furiah I, Aluru S, Goil S and Ranka S (1997). Practical Algorithms for Selection on Coarse-Grained Parallel Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 8:8, (813-824), Online publication date: 1-Aug-1997.
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    Sodan A, Gao G, Maquelin O, Schultz J and Tian X Experiences with non-numeric applications on multithreaded architectures Proceedings of the sixth ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of parallel programming, (124-135)
  209. ACM
    Han E, Karypis G and Kumar V (1997). Scalable parallel data mining for association rules, ACM SIGMOD Record, 26:2, (277-288), Online publication date: 1-Jun-1997.
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    Han E, Karypis G and Kumar V Scalable parallel data mining for association rules Proceedings of the 1997 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data, (277-288)
  211. Martín I and Tirado F (1997). Relationships Between Efficiency and Execution Time of Full Multigrid Methods on Parallel Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 8:6, (562-573), Online publication date: 1-Jun-1997.
  212. Andonov R and Rajopadhye S (1997). Knapsack on VLSI, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 8:6, (545-561), Online publication date: 1-Jun-1997.
  213. Gupta A, Karypis G and Kumar V (1997). Highly Scalable Parallel Algorithms for Sparse Matrix Factorization, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 8:5, (502-520), Online publication date: 1-May-1997.
  214. Choi J A New Parallel Matrix Multiplication Algorithm on Distributed-Memory Concurrent Computers Proceedings of the High-Performance Computing on the Information Superhighway, HPC-Asia '97
  215. Park J and Lee K Parallel Simulation of Fluid Flow Inside the Rotating Cylindrical Container on the Intel Paragon Proceedings of the High-Performance Computing on the Information Superhighway, HPC-Asia '97
  216. Oh S, Hwang C and Choudhary A Object Oriented Parallel Architecture Simulator Design and Validation Proceedings of the High-Performance Computing on the Information Superhighway, HPC-Asia '97
  217. Noh M, Kim Y, Han T, Kim S and Yang S Matrix Multiplications on the Memory_based Processor Array Proceedings of the High-Performance Computing on the Information Superhighway, HPC-Asia '97
  218. Ionescu M Optimizing Parallel Bitonic Sort Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Parallel Processing, (303-309)
  219. Hambrusch S and Khokhar A Maintaining Spatial Data Sets in Distributed-Memory Machines Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Parallel Processing, (702-707)
  220. Xing Z, Chandy J and Banerjee P Parallel Global Routing Algorithms for Standard Cells Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Parallel Processing
  221. Eckstein J (1997). Distributed versus Centralized Storage and Control forParallel Branch and Bound, Computational Optimization and Applications, 7:2, (199-220), Online publication date: 1-Mar-1997.
  222. Fridman J and Manolakos E (1997). On the Scalability of 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform Algorithms, Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 8:1-2, (185-217), Online publication date: 14-Feb-1997.
  223. Tsai Y and McKinley P (1997). An Extended Dominating Node Approach to Broadcast and Global Combine in Multiport Wormhole-Routed Mesh Networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 8:1, (41-58), Online publication date: 1-Jan-1997.
  224. Shekhar S, Ravada S, Kumar V, Chubb D and Turner G (1996). Parallelizing a GIS on a Shared Address Space Architecture, Computer, 29:12, (42-48), Online publication date: 1-Dec-1996.
  225. Karypis G and Kumar V Parallel multilevel k-way partitioning scheme for irregular graphs Proceedings of the 1996 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, (35-es)
  226. Clement M, Steed M and Crandall P Network performance modeling for PVM clusters Proceedings of the 1996 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, (6-es)
  227. Fang N Engineering Parallel Algorithms Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing
  228. ACM
    Goudreau M, Lang K, Rao S, Suel T and Tsantilas T Towards efficiency and portability Proceedings of the eighth annual ACM symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, (1-12)
  229. Yang T and Ibarra O (1996). Performance Prediction in Symbolic Scheduling of Partitioned Programs with Weight Variation, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 34:2, (171-182), Online publication date: 1-May-1996.
  230. Karypis G and Kumar V Parallel Multilevel Graph Partitioning Proceedings of the 10th International Parallel Processing Symposium, (314-319)
  231. Al-Furaih I, Aluru S, Goil S and Ranka S Practical Algorithms for Selection on Coarse-Grained Parallel Computers Proceedings of the 10th International Parallel Processing Symposium, (309-313)
  232. Saikia D and Sen R (1996). Two Ranking Schemes for Efficient Computation on the Star Interconnection Network, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 7:4, (321-327), Online publication date: 1-Apr-1996.
  233. ACM
    Dutt S and Trinh N Are there advantages to high-dimension architectures?: Analysis of k-ary n-cubes for the class of parallel divide-and-conquer algorithms Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Supercomputing, (398-406)
  234. ACM
    Al-Furaih I, Aluru S, Goil S and Ranka S Parallel construction of multidimensional binary search trees Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Supercomputing, (205-212)
  235. ACM
    Aluru S Parallel additive lagged Fibonacci random number generators Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Supercomputing, (102-108)
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    Grama A, Kumar V and Sameh A Parallel matrix-vector product using approximate hierarchical methods Proceedings of the 1995 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, (75-es)
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    Gupta A and Kumar V Parallel algorithms for forward and back substitution in direct solution of sparse linear systems Proceedings of the 1995 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, (74-es)
  238. ACM
    Kim W and Agha G Efficient support of location transparency in concurrent object-oriented programming languages Proceedings of the 1995 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, (39-es)
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    Karypis G and Kumar V Analysis of multilevel graph partitioning Proceedings of the 1995 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, (29-es)
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    Huang Y, Huang C and McKinley P Multicast virtual topologies for collective communication in MPCs and ATM clusters Proceedings of the 1995 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, (9-es)
  241. ACM
    Amin M, Grama A and Singh V Fast volume rendering using an efficient, scalable parallel formulation of the shear-warp algorithm Proceedings of the IEEE symposium on Parallel rendering, (7-14)
  242. McKinley P, Tsai Y and Robinson D (1995). Collective Communication in Wormhole-Routed Massively Parallel Computers, Computer, 28:12, (39-50), Online publication date: 1-Dec-1995.
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    Alexandrov A, Ionescu M, Schauser K and Scheiman C LogGP Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and architectures, (95-105)
  244. ACM
    Ou C, Gunwani M and Ranka S Architecture-independent locality-improving transformations of computational graphs embedded in k-dimensions Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Supercomputing, (289-298)
  245. Gupta A, Kumar V and Sameh A (1995). Performance and Scalability of Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methods on Parallel Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 6:5, (455-469), Online publication date: 1-May-1995.
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    Yang L and Jin L (1995). Integrating parallel algorithm design with parallel machine models, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 27:1, (131-135), Online publication date: 15-Mar-1995.
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    Yang L and Jin L Integrating parallel algorithm design with parallel machine models Proceedings of the twenty-sixth SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education, (131-135)
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    Gudaitis M, Lamont G and Terzuoli A Multicriteria vehicle route-planning using parallel A * search Proceedings of the 1995 ACM symposium on Applied computing, (171-176)
  249. Jang J, Park H and Prasanna V (1995). A Fast Algorithm for Computing a Histogram on Reconfigurable Mesh, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 17:2, (97-106), Online publication date: 1-Feb-1995.
  250. Gupta A and Kumar V A scalable parallel algorithm for sparse Cholesky factorization Proceedings of the 1994 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, (793-802)
  251. Karypis G, Gupta A and Kumar V A parallel formulation of interior point algorithms Proceedings of the 1994 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, (204-213)
  252. Eckstein J Control strategies for parallel mixed integer branch and bound Proceedings of the 1994 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, (41-48)
  253. Ellsworth D (1994). A New Algorithm for Interactive Graphics on Multicomputers, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 14:4, (33-40), Online publication date: 1-Jul-1994.
  254. Grama A, Gupta A and Kumar V (1993). Isoefficiency, IEEE Parallel & Distributed Technology: Systems & Technology, 1:3, (12-21), Online publication date: 1-Aug-1993.
  255. Gupta A and Kumar V (1993). The Scalability of FFT on Parallel Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 4:8, (922-932), Online publication date: 1-Aug-1993.
  • University of Minnesota Twin Cities
  • Purdue University
  • IBM Research
  • University of Minnesota Twin Cities


Dorothy Bollman

The emphasis in this book is on the design of parallel algorithms, using a class of basic communication operations as building blocks. The first four chapters present the necessary background: Introduction Models of Parallel Computers Basic Communication Operators Performance and Scalability of Parallel Systems Subsequent chapters are devoted to specific classes of algorithms: (5) Dense Matrix Algorithms (6) Sorting (7) Graph Algorithms (8) Search Algorithms for Discrete Optimization P roblems (9) Dynamic Programming (10) Fast Fourier Transform (11) Solving Sparse Systems of Linear Equations Chapter 12 deals with “Systolic Algorithms and their Mapping onto Parallel Computers.” Finally, chapter 13, “Parallel Programming,” treats some specifics of programming on several current architectures, including the nCUBE 2, iPSC860, and CM5, and describes several languages used for parallel programming, including C*, CM Fortran, and Fortran D. Here the authors might have mentioned the emerging role of functional programming languages, such as Sisal, Id, and Haskell, in parallel computing. Each chapter concludes with bibliographic remarks, a list of problems, and a list of references. The book concludes with an appendix that summarizes the complexity functions and order analysis notation used, as well as both author and topic indices. The topic index contains references, for the most part, to first mentions of topics. For example, if one looks up “PRAM,” one is referred to the general description of the PRAM model, rather than to the many algorithm analyses in terms of PRAMs. Several distinctive features of the book make it attractive as both a text and a reference. First, it is organized around algorithms rather than architectures. This approach makes it more practical to use the book as a text for a course in parallel algorithms. One could cover the first four chapters and a selection of topics from the remaining chapters, depending on the interests of the audience. All of the material on sorting, for example, is concentrated in one chapter. This approach contrasts with other books on parallel algorithms that are organized around architectures, rather than around algorithms, in which one might find material on sorting scattered throughout sections dealing with arrays of processors, trees of processors, or hypercubes. Second, the coverage of algorithms is unusually broad. The inclusion of such topics as discrete optimization and dynamic programming makes the book appealing to a wider audience, including those interested in applications of parallel computing such as grand challenge problems. Third, the inclusion of scalability as a performance metric for parallel algorithms is especially welcome. Unfortunately, other authors only allude to this important concept, if they even mention it. This book fulfills the authors objectives as a text for an upper-level undergraduate or beginning graduate course or as a useful reference for parallel algorithm designers and application programmers. The exposition is clear and illustrated with an abundance of pictures and examples. References are extensive and current.

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