Methodological Guidelines for Modeling and Developing MAS-Based Simulations The intersection of agents, modeling, simulation, and application domains has been the subject of active research for over two decades. Although agents and simulation have been used effectively in a variety of application domains, much of the supporting research remains scattered in the literature, too often leaving scientists to develop multi-agent system (MAS) models and simulations from scratch. Multi-Agent Systems: Simulation and Applications provides an overdue review of the wide ranging facets of MAS simulation, including methodological and application-oriented guidelines. This comprehensive resource reviews two decades of research in the intersection of MAS, simulation, and different application domains. It provides scientists and developers with disciplined engineering approaches to modeling and developing MAS-based simulations. After providing an overview of the fields history and its basic principles, as well as cataloging the various simulation engines for MAS, the book devotes three sections to current and emerging approaches and applications. Simulation for MAS explains simulation support for agent decision making, the use of simulation for the design of self-organizing systems, the role of software architecture in simulating MAS, and the use of simulation for studying learning and stigmergic interaction. MAS for Simulation discusses an agent-based framework for symbiotic simulation, the use of country databases and expert systems for agent-based modeling of social systems, crowd-behavior modeling, agent-based modeling and simulation of adult stem cells, and agents for traffic simulation. Tools presents a number of representative platforms and tools for MAS and simulation, including Jason, James II, SeSAm, and RoboCup Rescue. Complete with over 200 figures and formulas, this reference book provides the necessary overview of experiences with MAS simulation and the tools needed to exploit simulation in MAS for future research in a vast array of applications including home security, computational systems biology, and traffic management.
Cited By
- Nutaro J A new modeling interface for simulators implementing the discrete event system specification Proceedings of the Theory of Modeling and Simulation Symposium, (1-12)
- Steiniger A and Uhrmacher A (2016). Intensional Couplings in Variable-Structure Models, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), 26:2, (1-27), Online publication date: 28-Jan-2016.
- Chaudhari S and Biradar R (2016). Traffic and mobility aware resource prediction using cognitive agent in mobile ad hoc networks, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 72:C, (87-103), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2016.
- Lawniczak A, Ly L and Yu F (2016). Success Rate of Creatures Crossing a Highway as a Function of Model Parameters, Procedia Computer Science, 80:C, (542-553), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016.
- Montagna S, Omicini A and Pianini D Extending the Gillespie's Stochastic Simulation Algorithm for Integrating Discrete-Event and Multi-Agent Based Simulation Revised Selected Papers of the International Workshop on Multi-Agent Based Simulation XVI - Volume 9568, (3-18)
- Goldsby M and Pancerella C Multithreaded agent-based simulation Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference: Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World, (1581-1591)
- Uhrmacher A Seven pitfalls in modeling and simulation research Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, (1-12)
- Jakieła J, Litwin P and Olech M Multiagent based simulation as a supply chain analysis workbench Transactions on Compuational Collective Intelligence VI, (84-104)
- Dzieńkowski B and Markowska-Kaczmar U Agent cooperation within adversarial teams in dynamic environment --- key issues and development trends Transactions on Compuational Collective Intelligence VI, (146-169)
- Shi Y, Tang C, Wu H and Liu X Research of tourism service system base on multi-agent negotiation Proceedings of the Third international conference on Advances in Swarm Intelligence - Volume Part I, (583-591)
- Nguyen V, Huynh H, Vo T and Drogoul A On weather affecting to brown plant hopper invasion using an agent-based model Proceedings of the International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems, (150-157)
- Jakieła J, Litwin P and Olech M MAS approach to business models simulations Proceedings of the 4th KES international conference on Agent and multi-agent systems: technologies and applications, Part II, (32-41)
- Uhrmacher A, Schulz H, Schumann H, Schwabe L and Timmermann D Regenerative systems Proceedings of the Fourth International ICST Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, (1-10)
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