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10.5555/1756582.1756687guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Connection network and optimization of interest metric for one-to-one marketing

Published: 12 July 2003 Publication History


With the explosive growth of data in electronic commerce, rule finding becomes a crucial part in marketing. In this paper, we discuss the essential limitations of the existing metrics to quantify the interests of rules, and present the need of optimizing the interest metric. We describe the construction of the connection network that represents the relationships between items and propose a natural marketing model using the network. Although simple interest metrics were used, the connection network model showed stable performance in the experiment with field data. By constructing the network based on the optimized interest metric, the performance of the model was significantly improved.


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  1. Connection network and optimization of interest metric for one-to-one marketing



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image Guide Proceedings
    GECCO'03: Proceedings of the 2003 international conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation: PartII
    July 2003
    2520 pages
    • Editor:
    • Erick Cantú-Paz



    Berlin, Heidelberg

    Publication History

    Published: 12 July 2003


    • Article


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