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10.5555/1786014.1786030guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesewsnConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Radio characterization of 802.15.4 and its impact on the design of mobile sensor networks

Published: 30 January 2008 Publication History


Future mobile sensing systems are being designed using 802.15.4 low-power short-range radios for a diverse set of devices from embedded mobile motes to sensor-enabled cellphones in support, for example, of people-centric sensing applications. However, there is little known about the use of 802.15.4 in mobile sensor settings nor its impact on the performance of future communication architectures. We present a set of initial results from a simple yet systematic set of benchmark experiments that offer a number of important insights into the radio characteristics of mobile 802.15.4 person-to-person communication. Our results show that the body factor - that is to say, the human body and where sensors are located on the body (e.g., on the chest, foot, in the pocket) - has a significant effect on the performance of the communications system. While this phenomenon has been discussed in the context of other radios (e.g., cellular, WiFi, UWB) its impact on 802.15.4 based mobile sensor networks is not understood. Other findings that also serve to limit the communication performance include the effective contact times between mobile nodes, and, what we term the zero bandwidth crossing, which is a product of mobility and the body factor. This paper presents a set of initial findings and insights on this topic, and importantly, we consider the impact of these findings on the design of future communication architectures for mobile sensing.


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  1. Radio characterization of 802.15.4 and its impact on the design of mobile sensor networks



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image Guide Proceedings
    EWSN'08: Proceedings of the 5th European conference on Wireless sensor networks
    January 2008
    387 pages


    • Sensinode
    • X5T
    • Telecom Italia
    • Thales Italia
    • SADEL



    Berlin, Heidelberg

    Publication History

    Published: 30 January 2008


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    Acceptance Rates

    Overall Acceptance Rate 81 of 195 submissions, 42%


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    • (2017)Body Attenuation and Path Loss Exponent Estimation for RSS-Based Positioning in WSNWireless Personal Communications: An International Journal10.1007/s11277-016-3653-694:3(835-857)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2017
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