Model-checking DoS amplification for VoIP session initiation
Pages 390 - 405
Current techniques for the formal modeling analysis of DoS attacks do not adequately deal with amplification attacks that may target a complex distributed system as a whole rather than a specific server. Such threats have emerged for important applications such as the VoIP Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). We demonstrate a modelchecking technique for finding amplification threats using a strategy we call measure checking that checks for a quantitative assessment of attacker impact using term rewriting. We illustrate the effectiveness of this technique with a study of SIP. In particular, we show how to automatically find known attacks and verify that proposed patches for these attacks achieve their aim. Beyond this, we demonstrate a new amplification attack based on the compromise of one or more SIP proxies. We show how to address this threat with a protocol change and formally analyze the effectiveness of the new protocol against amplification attacks.
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Information & Contributors
Published In
- Alcatel-Lucent
- Fondation Métivier
- INRIA: Institut Natl de Recherche en Info et en Automatique
Berlin, Heidelberg
Publication History
Published: 21 September 2009
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