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10.5555/1883978.1883996acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesecoopConference Proceedingsconference-collections

JCoBox: generalizing active objects to concurrent components

Published: 21 June 2010 Publication History


Concurrency in object-oriented languages is still waiting for a satisfactory solution. Formany application areas, standardmechanisms like threads and locks are too low level and have shown to be error-prone and notmodular enough. Lately the actor paradigm has regained attention as a possible solution to concurrency in OOLs.
We propose JCoBox: a Java extension with an actor-like concurrencymodel based on the notion of concurrently running object groups, so-called coboxes. Communication is based on asynchronous method calls with standard objects as targets. Cooperative multi-tasking within coboxes allows for combining active and reactive behavior in a simple and safe way. Futures and promises lead to a data-driven synchronization of tasks.
This paper describes the concurrency model, the formal semantics, and the implementation of JCoBox, and shows that the performance of the implementation is comparable to state-of-the-art actor-based language implementations for the JVM.


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ECOOP'10: Proceedings of the 24th European conference on Object-oriented programming
June 2010
599 pages
  • Editor:
  • Theo D'Hondt


  • Google Inc.




Berlin, Heidelberg

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Published: 21 June 2010

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