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REST in Practice: Hypermedia and Systems ArchitectureSeptember 2010
  • O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Published:17 September 2010
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Why don't typical enterprise projects go as smoothly as projects you develop for the Web? Does the REST architectural style really present a viable alternative for building distributed systems and enterprise-class applications? In this insightful book, three SOA experts provide a down-to-earth explanation of REST and demonstrate how you can develop simple and elegant distributed hypermedia systems by applying the Web's guiding principles to common enterprise computing problems. You'll learn techniques for implementing specific Web technologies and patterns to solve the needs of a typical company as it grows from modest beginnings to become a global enterprise. Learn basic Web techniques for application integration Use HTTP and the Webs infrastructure to build scalable, fault-tolerant enterprise applications Discover the Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) pattern for manipulating resources Build RESTful services that use hypermedia to model state transitions and describe business protocols Learn how to make Web-based solutions secure and interoperable Extend integration patterns for event-driven computing with the Atom Syndication Format and implement multi-party interactions in AtomPub Understand how the Semantic Web will impact systems design

Cited By

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