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Multi-assignment clustering for boolean data

Published: 01 February 2012 Publication History


We propose a probabilistic model for clustering Boolean data where an object can be simultaneously assigned to multiple clusters. By explicitly modeling the underlying generative process that combines the individual source emissions, highly structured data are expressed with substantially fewer clusters compared to single-assignment clustering. As a consequence, such a model provides robust parameter estimators even when the number of samples is low. We extend the model with different noise processes and demonstrate that maximum-likelihood estimation with multiple assignments consistently infers source parameters more accurately than single-assignment clustering. Our model is primarily motivated by the task of role mining for role-based access control, where users of a system are assigned one or more roles. In experiments with real-world access-control data, our model exhibits better generalization performance than state-of-the-art approaches.


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Published In

cover image The Journal of Machine Learning Research
The Journal of Machine Learning Research  Volume 13, Issue
2065 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents



Publication History

Published: 01 February 2012
Published in JMLR Volume 13

Author Tags

  1. Boolean data
  2. clustering
  3. latent feature models
  4. multi-assignments
  5. overlapping clusters
  6. role mining


  • Article


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