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10.5555/2384179.2384219guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Interactive visual exploration of unsteady 3D flows

Published: 23 May 2007 Publication History


In this paper we present GPU-based techniques for the interactive visualization of large unsteady 3D flow fields on uniform grids. We propose a novel dual-core approach to asynchronously stream such fields from the CPU, thus enabling the efficient exploration of large time-resolved sequences. This approach decouples visualization from data handling, resulting in interactive frame rates. Built upon a previously published GPU particle engine for flow visualization we have developed new strategies to compute and to visualize path lines and streak lines on the GPU. To provide additional visual cues, focus+context techniques for polygonal meshes have been integrated. The proposed techniques are used in the visual analysis of the Terashake 2.1 earthquake simulation data, and they have been shown to be very effective in revealing the relevant information in this data.


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Guide Proceedings
EUROVIS'07: Proceedings of the 9th Joint Eurographics / IEEE VGTC conference on Visualization
May 2007
290 pages


  • Sweden's Knowledge Foundation: Sweden's Knowledge Foundation
  • EUROGRAPHICS: The European Association for Computer Graphics


Eurographics Association

Goslar, Germany

Publication History

Published: 23 May 2007

Author Tags

  1. GPU-based techniques
  2. flow visualization
  3. particle engine
  4. unsteady flow


  • Article


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  • (2015)Packet-oriented streamline tracing on modern SIMD architecturesProceedings of the 15th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization10.5555/2853213.2853221(43-52)Online publication date: 25-May-2015
  • (2011)Interactive particle tracing in time-varying tetrahedral gridsProceedings of the 11th Eurographics conference on Parallel Graphics and Visualization10.5555/2386230.2386241(71-80)Online publication date: 10-Apr-2011
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