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Business intelligence and analytics: from big data to big impact

Published: 01 December 2012 Publication History


Business intelligence and analytics (BI&A) has emerged as an important area of study for both practitioners and researchers, reflecting the magnitude and impact of data-related problems to be solved in contemporary business organizations. This introduction to the MIS Quarterly Special Issue on Business Intelligence Research first provides a framework that identifies the evolution, applications, and emerging research areas of BI&A. BI&A 1.0, BI&A 2.0, and BI&A 3.0 are defined and described in terms of their key characteristics and capabilities. Current research in BI&A is analyzed and challenges and opportunities associated with BI&A research and education are identified. We also report a bibliometric study of critical BI&A publications, researchers, and research topics based on more than a decade of related academic and industry publications. Finally, the six articles that comprise this special issue are introduced and characterized in terms of the proposed BI&A research framework.


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  1. Business intelligence and analytics: from big data to big impact



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    Published In

    cover image MIS Quarterly
    MIS Quarterly  Volume 36, Issue 4
    December 2012
    331 pages


    Society for Information Management and The Management Information Systems Research Center

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 December 2012

    Author Tags

    1. big data analytics
    2. business intelligence and analytics
    3. web 2.0


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