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10.5555/2554511.2554521guidebooksArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesBookacm-pubtype

Alias control for deterministic parallelism

Published: 01 January 2013 Publication History


A parallel program is deterministic if it produces the same output on every execution with a given input, regardless of the parallel schedule chosen. Determinism makes parallel programs much easier to write, understand, debug, and maintain. Further, many parallel programs are intended to be deterministic. Therefore a deterministic programming model (i.e., one in which all programs that pass compile-time checking are guaranteed to run deterministically) is attractive. However, aliasing poses difficulties for such a model, because hidden read-write conflicts through shared memory can cause unwanted nondeterminism and even data races. This article surveys the state of the art in program annotations for controlling aliasing in a way that can support a deterministic parallel programming model. It discusses the following techniques: the Deterministic Parallel Java effect system; other effect systems, including systems based on object ownership; permission-based type systems; and annotations based on program logic.


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  • (2016)The Design and Formalization of Mezzo, a Permission-Based Programming LanguageACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems10.1145/283702238:4(1-94)Online publication date: 2-Aug-2016



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Aliasing in Object-Oriented Programming: types, analysis, and verification
January 2013
513 pages
  • Editors:
  • Dave Clarke,
  • James Noble,
  • Tobias Wrigstad



Berlin, Heidelberg

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Published: 01 January 2013


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  • (2016)The Design and Formalization of Mezzo, a Permission-Based Programming LanguageACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems10.1145/283702238:4(1-94)Online publication date: 2-Aug-2016

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