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10.5555/2554641.2554652guidebooksArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesBookacm-pubtype

The value-passing calculus

Published: 01 January 2013 Publication History


A value-passing calculus is a process calculus in which the contents of communications are values chosen from some data domain, and the propositions appearing in the conditionals are formulas constructed from a logic. Previous studies treat the domain models, as well as the logic theories, as unspecified oracles. The open-ended approach leaves open some fundamental issues unanswered. The paper provides a more formal account of the value-passing calculi. The new treatment is self-contained in that the logic theory a value-passing calculus refers to is formally defined. A value-passing calculus consists of a complete first order theory with an operational model that makes use of the terms and the boolean expressions of the theory. A systematic investigation into the theory of the value-passing calculi is carried out. A particular value-passing calculus, $\mathbb{VPC}$, is shown to be the least expressive among all Turing complete value-passing calculi.


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  1. The value-passing calculus



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    cover image Guide books
    Theories of Programming and Formal Methods: essays dedicated to Jifeng He on the occasion of his 70th birthday
    January 2013
    412 pages
    • Editors:
    • Zhiming Liu,
    • Jim Woodcock,
    • Huibiao Zhu



    Berlin, Heidelberg

    Publication History

    Published: 01 January 2013


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