Cited By
View all- Alonso JBarrio Ade Rango FRisco Martín J(2016)A distributed HW-SW platform for fireworksProceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference10.5555/3015574.3015591(1-7)Online publication date: 24-Jul-2016
An implementation of a control system design may not preserve the functional and timing requirements of the application. Our goal is to verify that an implementation meets the high-level timing and functional specifications of a control application. We ...
Safety-critical feedback-control applications may suffer faults in the controlled plant as well as in the execution platform, i.e., the controller. Control theorists design the control laws to be robust with respect to the former kind of faults while ...
Giotto is a principled, tool-supported design methodology for implementing embedded control systems on platforms of possibly distributed sensors, actuators, CPUs, and networks. Giotto is based on the principle that time-triggered task invocations plus ...
European Design and Automation Association
Leuven, Belgium
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