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Accelerating t-SNE using tree-based algorithms

Published: 01 January 2014 Publication History


The paper investigates the acceleration of t-SNE--an embedding technique that is commonly used for the visualization of high-dimensional data in scatter plots--using two tree-based algorithms. In particular, the paper develops variants of the Barnes-Hut algorithm and of the dual-tree algorithm that approximate the gradient used for learning t-SNE embeddings in O(N log N). Our experiments show that the resulting algorithms substantially accelerate t-SNE, and that they make it possible to learn embeddings of data sets with millions of objects. Somewhat counterintuitively, the Barnes-Hut variant of t-SNE appears to outperform the dual-tree variant.


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  1. Accelerating t-SNE using tree-based algorithms



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    Published In

    cover image The Journal of Machine Learning Research
    The Journal of Machine Learning Research  Volume 15, Issue 1
    January 2014
    4085 pages
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    Publication History

    Published: 01 January 2014
    Published in JMLR Volume 15, Issue 1

    Author Tags

    1. Barnes-Hut algorithm
    2. dual-tree algorithm
    3. embedding
    4. multidimensional scaling
    5. space-partitioning trees
    6. t-SNE


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