Cited By
View all- Huang WKe LShen TBuckley SMiller J(2014)Simulation for dedicated line small lot size manufacturingProceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference10.5555/2693848.2694184(2640-2648)Online publication date: 7-Dec-2014
This paper presents a model which treats the manufacturing cycle time as a function of the lot size in a multi-stage production system. Using this functional relationship to determine the magnitude of the work-in-process inventory, a model is developed ...
Currently the methodology of eliminating the negative effects of the issues in ramp-up stage mostly involves the increase in investment and updating the design data. In the paper the authors consider an approach that can be applied on every level of ...
In this study, improved and new algorithms are developed for economic lot-sizing problems with integrated production and transportation operations. To model the economies of scale in production with the effect of shipment consolidation in transportation,...
IEEE Press
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