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Cryptanalysis on an Improved Version of ElGamal-Like Public-Key Encryption Scheme for Encrypting Large Messages

Published: 01 October 2012 Publication History


Hwang et al. proposed an ElGamal-like scheme for encrypting large messages, which is more efficient than its predecessor in terms of computational complexity and the amount of data transformation. They declared that the resulting scheme is semantically secure against chosen-plaintext attacks under the assumptions that the decision Diffie–Hellman problem is intractable. Later, Wang et al. pointed out that the security level of Hwang et al.'s ElGamal-like scheme is not equivalent to the original ElGamal scheme and brings about the disadvantage of possible unsuccessful decryption. At the same time, they proposed an improvement on Hwang et al.'s ElGamal-like scheme to repair the weakness and reduce the probability of unsuccessful decryption. However, in this paper, we show that their improved scheme is still insecure against chosen-plaintext attacks whether the system is operated in the quadratic residue modulus or not. Furthermore, we propose a new ElGamal-like scheme to withstand the adaptive chosen-ciphertext attacks. The security of the proposed scheme is based solely on the decision Diffie–Hellman problem in the random oracle model.


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Cited By

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  • (2018)A secure and efficient payment protocol based on ElGamal cryptographic algorithmsElectronic Commerce Research10.1007/s10660-016-9236-518:2(339-358)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2018
  1. Cryptanalysis on an Improved Version of ElGamal-Like Public-Key Encryption Scheme for Encrypting Large Messages



        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image Informatica
        Informatica  Volume 23, Issue 4
        October 2012
        176 pages


        IOS Press


        Publication History

        Published: 01 October 2012

        Author Tags

        1. Adaptive Chosen-Chipher-Text Attack
        2. Chosen-Ciphertext Attack
        3. Chosen-Plaintext Attack
        4. Cryptanalysis
        5. Diffie–Hellman Problem
        6. Indistinguishable
        7. Public-Key Encryption


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        • (2018)A secure and efficient payment protocol based on ElGamal cryptographic algorithmsElectronic Commerce Research10.1007/s10660-016-9236-518:2(339-358)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2018

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