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View all- Popescu C(2018)A secure and efficient payment protocol based on ElGamal cryptographic algorithmsElectronic Commerce Research10.1007/s10660-016-9236-518:2(339-358)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2018
Chosen-ciphertext security has been well-accepted as a standard security notion for public-key encryption. But in a multi-user surrounding, it may not be sufficient, because the adversary may corrupt some users to obtain the random coins as well as the ...
Abstract: Recently, Ren and Gu (2010) proposed an identity-based parallel key-insulated encryption (IBPKIE) scheme, and further extended their IBPKIE scheme to a hierarchical identity-based parallel key-insulated encryption (HIBPKIE) scheme. They claimed ...
Condition proxy re-encryption is a promising security primitive for pervasive data sharing in such settings as cloud-based social networks and collaborations. However, it is challenging to create a secure condition proxy re-encryption scheme that is ...
IOS Press