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View all- (2002)Logic, Optimization, and Constraint ProgrammingINFORMS Journal on Computing10.5555/2700758.270076014:4(295-321)Online publication date: 1-Nov-2002
The comparative performance of Integer Programming (IP) and Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) is explored by examining a number of models for four different combinatorial optimization applications. Computational results show contrasting behavior for ...
In this paper, we consider problem (P) of minimizing a quadratic function q(x)=xtQx+ctx of binary variables. Our main idea is to use the recent Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming (MIQP) solvers. But, for this, we have to first convexify the objective ...
Two practical problems are described, each of which can be formulated in more than one way as a mixed integer programming problem. The computational experience with two formulations of each problem is given. It is pointed out how in each case a ...
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