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Ensuring Digital Accessibility through Process and PolicyJune 2015
  • Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.
  • 340 Pine Street, Sixth Floor
  • San Francisco
  • CA
  • United States
Published:19 June 2015
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Ensuring Digital Accessibility through Process and Policy provides readers with a must-have resource to digital accessibility from both a technical and policy perspective. Inaccessible digital interfaces and content often lead to forms of societal discrimination that may be illegal under various laws. This book is unique in that it provides a multi-disciplinary understanding of digital accessibility. The book discusses the history of accessible computing, an understanding of why digital accessibility is socially and legally important, and provides both technical details (interface standards, evaluation methods) and legal details (laws, lawsuits, and regulations). The book provides real-world examples throughout, highlighting organizations that are doing an effective job with providing equal access to digital information for people with disabilities. This isnt a book strictly about interface design, nor is it a book strictly about law. For people who are charged with implementing accessible technology and content, this book will serve as a one-stop guide to understanding digital accessibility, offering an overview of current laws, regulations, technical standards, evaluation techniques, as well as best practices and suggestions for implementing solutions and monitoring for compliance. This combination of skills from the three authorslaw, technical, and research, with experience in both corporate, government, and educational settings, is unique to this book, and does not exist in any other book about any aspect of IT accessibility. The authors combination of skills marks a unique and valuable perspective, and provides insider knowledge on current best practices, corporate policies, and technical instructions. Together, we can ensure that the world of digital information is open to all users. Learn about the societal and organizational benefits of making information technology accessible for people with disabilities Understand the interface guidelines, accessibility evaluation methods, and compliance monitoring techniques, needed to ensure accessible content and technology. Understand the various laws and regulations that require accessible technology Learn from case studies of organizations that are successfully implementing accessibility in their technologies and digital content


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Cited By

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  2. Martins B and Duarte C (2024). A large-scale web accessibility analysis considering technology adoption, Universal Access in the Information Society, 23:4, (1857-1872), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2024.
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  • University of Maryland, College Park


TH Tse

This is an excellent work by two IT experts and one legal expert. The book provides comprehensive details of digital accessibility including the history of access technology in chapter 2, the present technical standards in chapter 4, the US laws in chapter 5, the international laws in chapter 6, the general regulations in chapter 7, the evaluation methods in chapter 8, the compliance monitoring policies in chapter 9, and success stories in chapter 10. Of particular conceptual interest to general readers are chapter 1 that introduces the concepts of digital accessibility, chapter 3 that highlights the discriminatory effects of digital inaccessibility, and chapter 11 that identifies recent cultural changes. For example, chapter 1 stresses the usefulness of universally accessible solutions to people with or without disabilities, while chapter 3 rightly criticizes the "separate but equal" solutions. Furthermore, chapter 11 is a must-read for everybody. It covers the cultural meaning of disability, addresses the misconceptions of disability as a tragedy and disability as a trait to be dealt with, and proposes new concepts in organizational policies and market demands. Even though I have decades of experience in accessibility design for the physical and virtual environments, I still found quite a number of eye-openers in this awesome chapter. Even though this is not a book on implementation techniques, the authors might consider providing some technical hints for web accessibility in a future edition, in order to provide advice to webmasters. For example, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 recommend "text alternatives for any non-text content." However, novices may misinterpret this as providing "separate but unequal" plain-text web pages to people with a disability. The book rightly clarifies that "images, interactive graphics, links, form fields, etc, must have a label or descriptions as appropriate." It would help web developers if the authors would have further elaborated that we can easily achieve this by using the ALT attribute in HTML IMG tags, as recommended by the W3C Quality Assurance Tips for Webmasters. The creation of searchable PDF files using "Save as" in Microsoft Word may also be highlighted. These simple technical instructions are much more useful than the dry administrative procedures described in the book, such as the preparation of a working draft, followed by a last call working draft, followed by a candidate recommendation, and so on. To motivate vendors to adopt digital accessibility, the enactment of laws may not necessarily be the best option. Market demand would be instrumental as correctly pointed out in the book. Unfortunately, the number of disabled customers will not surge overnight. In addition, we may consider promoting the market needs of universally accessible software for people with or without a disability. Young upwardly mobile professionals, for instance, rely on smartphones and tablets for Internet access. They may turn off the automatic image loading facility in their devices in order to avoid unwarranted charges in cellular data or to prevent phishing. Thus, web pages and email messages with text alternatives will not only appeal to some people with disabilities, but also to a wider market. In conclusion, this is an outstanding book for readers who are interested in the fundamentals of accessibility in the digital world. It is a badly needed book for the general audience. Online Computing Reviews Service

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