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View all- Zhang YAn BDaumé HSingh A(2020)Converging to team-maxmin equilibria in zero-sum multiplayer gamesProceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning10.5555/3524938.3525961(11033-11043)Online publication date: 13-Jul-2020
- Rahmattalabi AVayanos PFulginiti ATambe MElkind EVeloso MAgmon NTaylor M(2019)Robust Peer-Monitoring on Graphs with an Application to Suicide Prevention in Social NetworksProceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems10.5555/3306127.3332046(2168-2170)Online publication date: 8-May-2019
- Zhang YAn BTran-Thanh LWang ZGan JJennings N(2017)Optimal escape interdiction on transportation networksProceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence10.5555/3172077.3172439(3936-3944)Online publication date: 19-Aug-2017
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