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Software for use: a practical guide to the models and methods of usage-centered designApril 1999
  • ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
  • 1515 Broadway, 17th Floor New York, NY
  • United States
Published:01 April 1999
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In the quest for quality, software developers have long focused on improving the internal architecture of their products. Larry L. Constantine--who originally created structured design to effect such improvement--now joins with well-known consultant Lucy A. D. Lockwood to turn the focus of software development to the external architecture. In this book, they present the models and methods of a revolutionary approach to software that will help programmers deliver more usable software--software that will enable users to accomplish their tasks with greater ease and efficiency.Recognizing usability as the key to successful software, Constantine and Lockwood provide concrete tools and techniques that programmers can employ to meet that end. Much more than just another set of rules for good user-interface design, this book guides readers through a systematic software development process. This process, called usage-centered design, weaves together two major threads in software development methods: use cases (also used with UML) and essential modeling. With numerous examples and case studies of both conventional and specialized software applications, the authors illustrate what has been shown in practice to work and what has proved to be of greatest practical value.Highlights Presents a streamlined process for developing highly usable software Describes practical methods and models successfully implemented in industry Complements modern development practices, including the Unified Process and other object-oriented software engineering approaches

Cited By

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    Sousa K and Furtado E From usability tasks to usable user interfaces Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Task models and diagrams, (103-110)
  103. Campos P and Nunes N Galactic dimensions Proceedings of the 2005 IFIP TC13 international conference on Human-Computer Interaction, (158-169)
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  108. Wright T, Noble J and Marshall S Using a system of tutorials and groups to increase feedback and teach user interface design Proceedings of the 7th Australasian conference on Computing education - Volume 42, (187-192)
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  118. Tempero E, Noble J and Biddle R Delegation diagrams Proceedings of the fifth conference on Australasian user interface - Volume 28, (83-89)
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  120. van der Poll J, Kotzé P, Seffah A, Radhakrishnan T and Alsumait A Combining UCMs and formal methods for representing and checking the validity of scenarios as user requirements Proceedings of the 2003 annual research conference of the South African institute of computer scientists and information technologists on Enablement through technology, (59-68)
  121. Fernández-Caballero A, López-Jaquero V, Montero F and González P Adaptive interaction multi-agent systems in E-learning/E-teaching on the web Proceedings of the 2003 international conference on Web engineering, (144-153)
  122. Biddle R, Noble J and Tempero E Patterns for essential use case bodies Proceedings of the 2002 conference on Pattern languages of programs - Volume 13, (85-98)
  123. Constantine L and Lockwood L Usage-centered software engineering Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Software Engineering, (746-747)
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  132. Biddle R, Noble J and Tempero E Reflections on CRC cards and OO design Proceedings of the Fortieth International Conference on Tools Pacific: Objects for internet, mobile and embedded applications, (201-205)
  133. Biddle R, Noble J and Tempero E Sokoban Proceedings of the Fortieth International Conference on Tools Pacific: Objects for internet, mobile and embedded applications, (103-111)
  134. Rosson M and Carroll J Scenario-based design The human-computer interaction handbook, (1032-1050)
  135. Tang B Universal site accessibility Managing web usage in the workplace, (286-301)
  136. Phillips C and Kemp E (2002). In support of user interface design in the rational unified process, Australian Computer Science Communications, 24:4, (21-27), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2002.
  137. Phillips C and Kemp E In support of user interface design in the rational unified process Proceedings of the Third Australasian conference on User interfaces - Volume 7, (21-27)
  138. Biddle R, Noble J and Tempero E (2002). Essential use cases and responsibility in object-oriented development, Australian Computer Science Communications, 24:1, (7-16), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2002.
  139. Biddle R, Noble J and Tempero E Essential use cases and responsibility in object-oriented development Proceedings of the twenty-fifth Australasian conference on Computer science - Volume 4, (7-16)
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  143. Scogings C and Phillips C A method for the early stages of interactive system design using UML and Lean Cuisine+ Proceedings of the 2nd Australasian conference on User interface, (69-76)
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  149. Nunes N and Cunha J Wisdom Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Design, specification, and verification of interactive systems, (191-205)
  150. ACM
    Constantine L and Lockwood L Use cases in task modeling and user interface design CHI '99 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (352-352)
  • Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute


Stacy All

Constantine and Lockwood are proponents of a technique to develop better software applications: “usage-centered design.” As defined here, “usage-centered design focuses on the work the users are trying to accomplish and on what the software will need to supply via the user interface to help them accomplish it” (p. 23). This is a change from an often-used human-computer interaction term, “user-centered design.” User-centered design marked a shift in focus from technology-based software development to a process focused on the people who use the systems. The authors suggest that software should be a tool to aid people at work. To build good tools, the nature of the work the tools are used for must be studied and understood. This book is meant for software developers who want to build better systems to meet users' needs, but who need a process framework and design guidelines from which to work. The book is a well-organized, comprehensive guide to developing a user interface from scratch. The first section, “Toward More Usable Software,” offers theories, rules, and principles for usage-centered design. Because software development is a process-based discipline, the authors have developed a model-driven design process for user interfaces, with structured development activities. Section 2, “Essential Models For Usability,” gives in-depth instructions for constructing and developing the three primary models. These models are a method of requirements gathering that involves working with end users. In this section, of particular importance is chapter 4, which defines who real end users are and teaches software user interface designers how to balance and interpret other voices involved in the process. Section 3, “Creating Visual Design,” offers three chapters of concrete suggestions and examples for visual design. The heuristics for font selection, color selection, menu organization, and icon development, and the ways of approaching the construction of the user interface, are clear and extremely helpful. The book is extremely valuable for this section alone. It can help people with limited experience in design to develop their visual thinking skills and make better choices when constructing a user interface. Section 4, “Completing the Design,” synthesizes the abstractions developed in modeling the users' work, and the concrete visual pointers offered in the previous section, into a method for creating a successful user interface. While all of the chapters in section 4 are important, three in particular—chapters 11, 14, and 15—are must-read chapters for software developers. Chapter 11 is a highly informative chapter on designing user help into a system and providing clear and useful error messages. Chapter 14 outlines the paths for and pitfalls of designing Web applications and embedded systems applications. Chapter 15 is a case study, which allows readers to encounter a sample problem set, practice the techniques, and compare their results with the authors'. Section 5, “Assessment And Improvement,” focuses on inspecting, testing, and reviewing as part of the user interface design process. Chapter 16 outlines inspection methods and techniques and compares expert, peer, and user review, while chapter 17 covers metrics and other criteria for judging a user interface design. Chapter 18 describes lab, field, and other methods of user testing. The last section of the book, “Organizing and Managing the Process,” addresses implementing the user interfaces, making the most of users' skills in the development process, and organizing a team to improve software usability. The substantial list of references, index, and glossary give the reader easy access to important resources and useful information. This book is designed for software developers who are searching for a process for producing software that more closely fits the need of the user, and who are looking for a useful resource for understanding visual design. It is also an excellent text to incorporate into software engineering training, because it offers real solutions to common problems with creating user interfaces. I appreciated reading a book by software engineers that emphasizes beginning a software development process by looking at how the software will be used. This book offers a solid process for implementing usage-centered design, from selecting the appropriate users to study, to the in-depth but useful modeling process, and from the helpful visual design principles and usability rules to translating the pieces into a real interface design. The model-driven design process will take some time to learn and implement, but the benefits will be evident in the final product.

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