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High-frequency nonlinear earthquake simulations on petascale heterogeneous supercomputers

Published: 13 November 2016 Publication History


The omission of nonlinear effects in large-scale 3D ground motion estimation, which are particularly challenging due to memory and scalability issues, can result in costly misguidance for structural design in earthquake-prone regions. We have implemented nonlinearity using a Drucker-Prager yield condition in AWP-ODC and further optimized the CUDA kernels to more efficiently utilize the GPU's memory bandwidth. The application has resulted in a significant increase in the model region and accuracy for state-of-the-art earthquake simulations in a realistic earth structure, which are now able to resolve the wavefield at frequencies relevant for the most vulnerable buildings (> 1 Hz) while maintaining the scalability and efficiency of the method. We successfully run the code on 4,200 Kepler K20X GPUs on NCSA Blue Waters and OLCF Titan to simulate a M 7.7 earthquake on the southern San Andreas fault with a spatial resolution of 25 m for frequencies up to 4 Hz.


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SC '16: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
November 2016
1034 pages
  • Conference Chair:
  • John West




IEEE Press

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Published: 13 November 2016

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  1. GPU
  2. SCEC
  3. earthquake ground motion
  4. fault zone plasticity
  5. nonlinear soil behavior


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