No abstract available.
Cited By
- Kang I, Bae J and Lee J Natural language database access using semi-automatically constructed translation knowledge Proceedings of the First international joint conference on Natural Language Processing, (280-289)
- Adam N, Gangopadhyay A and Clifford J (1994). A form-based approach to natural language query processing, Journal of Management Information Systems, 11:2, (109-135), Online publication date: 1-Sep-1994.
- Holstege M, Inn Y and Tokuda L Visual parsing Intelligent Text and Image Handling, (175-193)
- Smeaton A and van Rijsbergen C Experiments on incorporating syntactic processing of user queries into a document retrieval strategy Proceedings of the 11th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, (31-51)
- Sethi V Natural language interfaces to databases Proceedings of the twenty-second annual computer personnel research conference on Computer personnel research conference, (12-26)
Index Terms
- Communicating with databases in natural language
Conversation-Based Natural Language Interface to Relational Databases
WI-IATW '07: Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology - WorkshopsThis paper proposes a new approach for creating conversation-based natural language interfaces to relational databases by combining goal oriented conversational agents and knowledge trees. Goal oriented conversational agents have proven their capability ...
Natural Language, Mixed-initiative Personal Assistant Agents
IMCOM '18: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and CommunicationThe increasing popularity and use of personal voice assistant technologies, such as Siri and Google Now, is driving and expanding progress toward the long-term and lofty goal of using artificial intelligence to build human-computer dialog systems ...
Visual display, pointing, and natural language: the power of multimodal interaction
AVI '98: Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfacesThis paper examines user behavior during multimodal human-computer interaction (HCI). It discusses how pointing, natural language, and graphical layout should be integrated to enhance the usability of multimodal systems. Two experiments were run to ...