Cited By
View all- Yıldız İDy JErdoğmuş DOstmo SCampbell JChiang MIoannidis S(2022)Spectral Ranking RegressionACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data10.1145/353069316:6(1-38)Online publication date: 30-Jul-2022
- Xu Z(2018)Gradient descent meets shift-and-invert preconditioning for eigenvector computationProceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems10.5555/3327144.3327206(2830-2839)Online publication date: 3-Dec-2018
- Lei QYen IWu CDhillon IRavikumar P(2017)Doubly Greedy Primal-Dual Coordinate Descent for sparse empirical risk minimizationProceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning - Volume 7010.5555/3305890.3305891(2034-2042)Online publication date: 6-Aug-2017