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10.5555/3171004.3171006guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype
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Experiments on linguistically based term associations

Published: 02 April 1991 Publication History


A description of the hyperterm system REALIST and in more detail a description of its semantic component is given. We call a hyperterm system a system that contains different kinds of term relations. The semantic component of REALIST generates semantic term relations such as synonyms. It takes as input a free text data base and generates as output term pairs that are semantically related with respect to their meanings in the data base. This is done in two steps. In the first step an automatic syntactic analysis provides linguistical knowledge about the terms of the data base. In the second step this knowledge is compaired by statistical similarity computation. Various experiments with different similarity measures are describled. These experiments are not standard recall and precision examinations, but direct evaluations of the term pairs. Beyond the new linguistic term association method and its good result another important point of this paper is to show how valuable is direct term pair evaluation.


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RIAO '91: Intelligent Text and Image Handling - Volume 2
April 1991
450 pages



Paris, France

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Published: 02 April 1991


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