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Active Learning with Multiple Localized Regression Models

Published: 01 August 2017 Publication History


Oftentimes businesses face the challenge of requiring costly information to improve the accuracy of prediction tasks. One notable example is obtaining informative customer feedback e.g., customer-product ratings via costly incentives to improve the effectiveness of recommender systems. In this paper, we develop a novel active learning approach, which aims to intelligently select informative training instances to be labeled so as to maximally improve the prediction accuracy of a real-valued prediction model. We focus on large, heterogeneous, and dyadic data, and on localized modeling techniques, which have been shown to model such data particularly well, as compared to a single, "global" model. Importantly, dyadic data with covariates is pervasive in contemporary big data applications such as large-scale recommender systems and search advertising. A key benefit from incorporating dyadic information is their simple, meaningful representation of heterogeneous data, in contrast to alternative local modeling techniques that typically produce complex and incomprehensible predictive patterns. We develop a computationally efficient active learning policy specifically tailored to exploit multiple local prediction models to identify informative acquisitions. Existing active learning policies are often computationally prohibitive for the setting we explore, and our policy makes the application of active learning computationally feasible for this setting. We present comprehensive empirical evaluations that demonstrate the benefits of our approach and explore its performance in real world, challenging domains.


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  1. Active Learning with Multiple Localized Regression Models
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          Information & Contributors


          Published In

          cover image INFORMS Journal on Computing
          INFORMS Journal on Computing  Volume 29, Issue 3
          Summer 2017
          201 pages



          Linthicum, MD, United States

          Publication History

          Published: 01 August 2017
          Accepted: 20 June 2015
          Received: 24 January 2013

          Author Tags

          1. active learning
          2. big data
          3. information acquisition
          4. local regression models
          5. predictive models


          • Article


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          Cited By

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          • (2024)Consumer Acquisition for Recommender SystemsInformation Systems Research10.1287/isre.2023.122935:1(339-362)Online publication date: 1-Mar-2024
          • (2023)Don’t Need All Eggs in One Basket: Reconstructing Composite Embeddings of Customers from Individual-Domain EmbeddingsACM Transactions on Management Information Systems10.1145/357871014:2(1-30)Online publication date: 13-Mar-2023
          • (2022)Toward Efficient Ensemble Learning with Structure ConstraintsINFORMS Journal on Computing10.1287/ijoc.2022.122434:6(3096-3116)Online publication date: 1-Nov-2022

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