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The neural hawkes process: a neurally self-modulating multivariate point process

Published: 04 December 2017 Publication History


Many events occur in the world. Some event types are stochastically excited or inhibitedߞin the sense of having their probabilities elevated or decreasedߞby patterns in the sequence of previous events. Discovering such patterns can help us predict which type of event will happen next and when. We model streams of discrete events in continuous time, by constructing a neurally self-modulating multivariate point process in which the intensities of multiple event types evolve according to a novel continuous-time LSTM. This generative model allows past events to influence the future in complex and realistic ways, by conditioning future event intensities on the hidden state of a recurrent neural network that has consumed the stream of past events. Our model has desirable qualitative properties. It achieves competitive likelihood and predictive accuracy on real and synthetic datasets, including under missing-data conditions.


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  1. The neural hawkes process: a neurally self-modulating multivariate point process



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    Published In

    cover image Guide Proceedings
    NIPS'17: Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
    December 2017
    7104 pages


    Curran Associates Inc.

    Red Hook, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 04 December 2017


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