Semi-supervised biomedical translation with cycle wasserstein regression GANs
Index Terms
- Semi-supervised biomedical translation with cycle wasserstein regression GANs
Sparse Representation-Based Semi-Supervised Regression for People Counting
Label imbalance and the insufficiency of labeled training samples are major obstacles in most methods for counting people in images or videos. In this work, a sparse representation-based semi-supervised regression method is proposed to count people in ...
Semi-Supervised Kernel Regression
ICDM '06: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Data MiningInsufficiency of training data is a major obstacle in machine learning and data mining applications. Many different semi-supervised learning algorithms have been proposed to tackle this difficulty by leveraging a large amount of unlabeled data. However, ...
Semi-supervised regression with co-training
IJCAI'05: Proceedings of the 19th international joint conference on Artificial intelligenceIn many practical machine learning and data mining applications, unlabeled training examples are readily available but labeled ones are fairly expensive to obtain. Therefore, semi-supervised learning algorithms such as co-training have attracted much ...
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- Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
AAAI Press
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- Research-article
- Research
- Refereed limited
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