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10.5555/3578948.3578960acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesewsnConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Towards Dynamic Crowd Mobility Learning and Meta Model Updates for A Smart Connected Campus

Published: 18 January 2023 Publication History


In this paper, we propose MetaMobi, a novel spatiotemporal multi-dots connectivity-aware modeling and Meta model update approach for crowd Mobility learning. MetaMobi analyzes real-world Wi-Fi association data collected from our campus wireless infrastructure, with the goal towards enabling a smart connected campus. Specifically, MetaMobi aims at addressing the following two major challenges with existing crowd mobility sensing system designs: (a) how to handle the spatially, temporally, and contextually varying features in large-scale human crowd mobility distributions; and (b) how to adapt to the impacts of such crowd mobility patterns as well as the dynamic changes in crowd sensing infrastructures. To handle the first challenge, we design a novel multi-dots connectivity-aware learning approach, which jointly learns the crowd flow time series of multiple buildings with fusion of spatial graph connectivities and temporal attention mechanisms. Furthermore, to overcome the adaptivity issues due to changes in the crowd sensing infrastructures (e.g., installation of new access points), we further design a novel meta model update approach with Bernoulli dropout, which mitigates the overfitting behaviors of the model given few-shot distributions of new crowd mobility datasets. Extensive experimental evaluations based on the real-world campus wireless dataset (including over 76 million Wi-Fi association and disassociation records) demonstrate the accuracy, effectiveness, and adaptivity of MetaMobi in forecasting the campus crowd flows, with 30% higher accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art approaches.


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  1. Towards Dynamic Crowd Mobility Learning and Meta Model Updates for A Smart Connected Campus
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          Information & Contributors


          Published In

          cover image ACM Other conferences
          EWSN '22: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks
          December 2022
          273 pages




          Association for Computing Machinery

          New York, NY, United States

          Publication History

          Published: 18 January 2023

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          Author Tags

          1. Multi-dots connectivity-aware learning
          2. crowd mobility learning
          3. campus Wi-Fi infrastructure
          4. meta learning
          5. gradient dropout
          6. model generalizability


          • Article


          EWSN '22
          October 3 - 5, 2022
          Linz, Austria

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          EWSN '22 Paper Acceptance Rate 18 of 46 submissions, 39%;
          Overall Acceptance Rate 81 of 195 submissions, 42%


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