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10.5555/3600270.3603058guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesnipsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Finite-time regret of thompson sampling algorithms for exponential family multi-armed bandits

Published: 28 November 2022 Publication History


We study the regret of Thompson sampling (TS) algorithms for exponential family bandits, where the reward distribution is from a one-dimensional exponential family, which covers many common reward distributions including Bernoulli, Gaussian, Gamma, Exponential, etc. We propose a Thompson sampling algorithm, termed ExpTS, which uses a novel sampling distribution to avoid the under-estimation of the optimal arm. We provide a tight regret analysis for ExpTS, which simultaneously yields both the finite-time regret bound as well as the asymptotic regret bound. In particular, for a K-armed bandit with exponential family rewards, ExpTS over a horizon T is sub-UCB (a strong criterion for the finite-time regret that is problem-dependent), minimax optimal up to a factor $\sqrt{\log K}$, and asymptotically optimal, for exponential family rewards. Moreover, we propose ExpTS+, by adding a greedy exploitation step in addition to the sampling distribution used in ExpTS, to avoid the over-estimation of sub-optimal arms. ExpTS+ is an anytime bandit algorithm and achieves the minimax optimality and asymptotic optimality simultaneously for exponential family reward distributions. Our proof techniques are general and conceptually simple and can be easily applied to analyze standard Thompson sampling with specific reward distributions.

Supplementary Material

Additional material (3600270.3603058_supp.pdf)
Supplemental material.


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Index Terms

  1. Finite-time regret of thompson sampling algorithms for exponential family multi-armed bandits
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            Information & Contributors


            Published In

            cover image Guide Proceedings
            NIPS '22: Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
            November 2022
            39114 pages


            Curran Associates Inc.

            Red Hook, NY, United States

            Publication History

            Published: 28 November 2022


            • Research-article
            • Research
            • Refereed limited


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