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10.5555/3618408.3619318guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

RSC: accelerate graph neural networks training via randomized sparse computations

Published: 23 July 2023 Publication History


Training graph neural networks (GNNs) is extremely time-consuming because sparse graph-based operations are hard to be accelerated by community hardware. Prior art successfully reduces the computation cost of dense matrix based operations (e.g., convolution and linear) via sampling-based approximation. However, unlike dense matrices, sparse matrices are stored in an irregular data format such that each row/column may have a different number of non-zero entries. Thus, compared to the dense counterpart, approximating sparse operations has two unique challenges (1) we cannot directly control the efficiency of approximated sparse operation since the computation is only executed on non-zero entries; (2) sampling sparse matrices is much more inefficient due to the irregular data format. To address the issues, our key idea is to control the accuracy-efficiency trade-off by optimizing computation resource allocation layer-wisely and epoch-wisely. For the first challenge, we customize the computation resource to different sparse operations, while limiting the total used resource below a certain budget. For the second challenge, we cache previously sampled sparse matrices to reduce the epoch-wise sampling overhead. To this end, we propose Randomized Sparse Computation. In practice, RSC can achieve up to 11.6× speedup for a single sparse operation and 1.6× end-to-end wall-clock time speedup with almost no accuracy drop. Codes are available at https://github.com/warai-0toko/RSC-ICML.


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