LLM-Fuzzer: scaling assessment of large language model jailbreaks
Article No.: 261, Pages 4657 - 4674
The jailbreak threat poses a significant concern for Large Language Models (LLMs), primarily due to their potential to generate content at scale. If not properly controlled, LLMs can be exploited to produce undesirable outcomes, including the dissemination of misinformation, offensive content, and other forms of harmful or unethical behavior. To tackle this pressing issue, researchers and developers often rely on redteam efforts to manually create adversarial inputs and prompts designed to push LLMs into generating harmful, biased, or inappropriate content. However, this approach encounters serious scalability challenges.
To address these scalability issues, we introduce an automated solution for large-scale LLM jailbreak susceptibility assessment called LLM-FUZZER. Inspired by fuzz testing, LLM-FUZZER uses human-crafted jailbreak prompts as starting points. By employing carefully customized seed selection strategies and mutation mechanisms, LLM-FUZZER generates additional jailbreak prompts tailored to specific LLMs. Our experiments show that LLM-FuzZER-generated jailbreak prompts demonstrate significantly increased effectiveness and transferability. This highlights that many open- source and commercial LLMs suffer from severe jailbreak issues, even after safety fine-tuning.
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- LLM-Fuzzer: scaling assessment of large language model jailbreaks
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Any-precision LLM: low-cost deployment of multiple, different-sized LLMs
ICML'24: Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine LearningRecently, considerable efforts have been directed towards compressing Large Language Models (LLMs), which showcase groundbreaking capabilities across diverse applications but entail significant deployment costs due to their large sizes. Meanwhile, much ...
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